

'Close the Gap' and 'Apology' are just band-aids

'Close the Gap' and 'Apology' are just band-aids

So long as a Rhodes Scholar is running this country the vested interests of the British Crown are paramount and remain in line with mining magnate Cecil Rhodes' legacy of educating scholars to run and exploit a country for Britain's benefit. PM Malcolm Turnbull, a Rhodes Scholar with a Bachelor of Civil Law from Brasenose College, Oxford is the latest agent of the coloniser to ensure First Nations' inherent sovereign rights to lands, waters and natural resources are quashed. This is consistent with Turnbull's continuing fiasco of the Closing the Gap agenda, which has clearly failed. [node:read-more:link]

John Pilger: How the Murdoch press keeps Australia’s dirty secret

‘Nigger Hunt’ by Murdoch Media

Murdoch Media are targeting Aboriginal woman Tarneen Onus Williams in a modern day 'Nigger Hunt' because the Melbourne Rally she was involved in, and all of the other Rallies, are becoming a major threat to the continuation of the neo-colonial celebration on 26th January.

The targeting of Tarneen is a example of what John Pilger was talking about in this 2011 article - about how this mega media outlet has been targeting Aboriginal people. [node:read-more:link]

No Independence Day to celebrate! Australia hasn't decolonised from Britain - yet

No Independence Day to celebrate when Australia decolonised from Britain - yet!

Unlike most other Nations around the world there is no day when Australia can identify it was given its independent status free of the sovereignty of the British Crown with a new constitution. There has been no day when Australia decolonised so that there is no longer a constitutional obligation for the British Crown (that is the Queen and/or her agents, the Governor-General and Governors) to place their signatures on legislations passed by the parliaments and thereby assent and make them legal. The Governor-General is still Commander-in-chief of the army, navy and air force. [node:read-more:link]

Uniting Understanding: Digging deep to the source and denial of contested sovereignties

Uniting Understanding

We have come to a point where governments and ourselves know that First Nations Peoples continue to be sovereign and independent. Our inherent rights can no longer be denied and if we fail to understand our position, then we are destined to be beggars in our own Country.

This article aims to dig deep so that we begin to understand the motives for this total disrespect for Owners/Traditional Owners and Senior Lawmen. [node:read-more:link]

NSW Bar Association calls for a new approach to Aboriginal imprisonment


The Bar Association of NSW's submission to a Law Reform Commission inquiry into First Nations incarceration calls for a new approach to sentencing which takes into account the deprivation and disadvantage inherent in an individual's Aboriginal background. The association also calls for an end to mandatory sentences, which make it impossible for courts to make any allowance for such disadvantage in their decisions. The rate at which Aboriginal people end up in jail is appalling and in NSW last year Aboriginal people were 3 per cent of the population, but 24 per cent of the prison population. [node:read-more:link]

Australia's progress on Closing that Bloody Big Gap 'Woefully Inadequate', UN says

Australia's progress on Closing that Bloody Big Gap 'Woefully Inadequate', UN says

The United Nations has described Australia's lack of progress on Closing the Gap as "woefully inadequate", saying the over-incarceration of Indigenous people is a major human rights concern. Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples Ms Tauli-Corpuz said it was unacceptable that despite two decades of economic growth, Australia had not been able to improve the social disadvantage of its Indigenous population. She urged the Federal Government to establish a treaties and truth-telling commission. [node:read-more:link]

Perfecting Trickery: The Referendum Council

That word treaty

On his return from Uluru, Ghillar, Michael Anderson details the rigged processes of the Referendum Council's National Convention and the subsequent media: 'I was absolutely shocked and horrified at the disjointed discussion that occurred on ABC TV Q&A last night ( 29 May 2017). In my opinion the conclusions that occurred at the Referendum Council's National Convention at Yulara, Ayers Rock Resort, were totally betrayed by the Q&A panel. Having been permitted to sit as an observer in the main National Convention at Yulara near Uluru, I was privy to observe the proceedings and I sat through the 'Synthesis' of the Regional Dialogues and what they called the breakout workshops as well, where the key topics were 'The Voice', 'Treaty', 'Strategy'. [node:read-more:link]

Our First Nations 'Do Not Consent' to 'Constitutional Recognition'

The message from the grassroots is clear. We are the Sovereign Owners of Our Nations.

Our Law is the Law of the land. We oppose the lies and the hypocrisy of the Australian government's Referendum Council and their highly paid sellouts.

We are the true Sovereign owners of our land. NO CONSENT to theft, lies and government and corporate propaganda. [node:read-more:link]


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