

Sovereign Voices - v - Co-Design Voice

Sovereign Union Media Release

An insight into the proposed 'Indigenous voice co-design process' based on assimilation, which is in opposition to First Nations voices on the assertion of sovereignty.

First Nations true Voice is the Sovereign Voice of the owners of this ancient land who hold the oldest continuing culture on earth. The current ‘Indigenous voice co-design process’ is a cynical assimilationist affront to our right to self-determination and self-governance. [node:read-more:link]

Historical Background to the NAIDOC 2019 Theme: ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’

Historical Background to the NAIDOC 2019 Theme: ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’

Our greatest fear is not whether we negotiate a Treaty, but the forcing through of the Recognition campaign for inclusion in the colonial Constitution. Ghillar, Michael Anderson, provides an historical insight into the NAIDOC 2019 theme ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’, which reveals that each time First Nations Sovereignty rises up too powerfully it is suppressed in favour of the ‘trip wire to assimilation’. The ‘Voice’, of the NAC was shafted in 1984; the NAC ‘Treaty’ framework was dismantled and ‘Truth’ has barely been heard yet. [node:read-more:link]

Timber Creek redress precedent - The options for First Nations

The High Court hearing on the Timber Creek native title compensation case

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Head of State of the Euahlayi Peoples Republic and convenor of Sovereign Union is proposing a number of options that First Nations might consider when seeking redress following the High Court’s decision in the Timber Creek case. The High Court recognised that Native Title claimants should be eligible for compensation for the ‘loss of rights to gain spiritual sustenance from the land’ among loss of other rights and interests’. [node:read-more:link]

'Welcome to Country!' - Our Lands of Poverty and Devaluation

We now come in all sizes and colours, but you cannot take away the spirit of our forefathers and foremothers and our absolute connection to Mother Earth. The divide and rule by colour distinction will no longer work. We are who we are, always was and always will be. However, once you welcome non-Indigenous people to Country, in their world you are opening the door and letting them in and what is your's becomes their's. Right now their only legitimacy on Country is when they are welcomed in ... One way to deflect Welcome to Country is to Acknowledge Country! [node:read-more:link]

Academic Paper argues that First Nations communal allodial land title cannot be extinguished by fraud

Academic Paper argues that First Nations laws of the land still exist

Australian governments want courts, constituted overwhelmingly by non-indigenous lawyers, to decide land disputes as for feudal socage.

This article puts up an argument that Australian indigenous land title is communal allodial title, as a bundle of subsisting rights by operation of Australian Continental Common Law, which therefore cannot be extinguished by the fraud inherent in frame transformation. [node:read-more:link]

NSW Bar Association calls for a new approach to Aboriginal imprisonment


The Bar Association of NSW's submission to a Law Reform Commission inquiry into First Nations incarceration calls for a new approach to sentencing which takes into account the deprivation and disadvantage inherent in an individual's Aboriginal background. The association also calls for an end to mandatory sentences, which make it impossible for courts to make any allowance for such disadvantage in their decisions. The rate at which Aboriginal people end up in jail is appalling and in NSW last year Aboriginal people were 3 per cent of the population, but 24 per cent of the prison population. [node:read-more:link]

Makarrata v Treaties

Makarrata v Treaty

The most strategic move for First Nations, at this time of an imploding Commonwealth government wracked by illegal parliamentarians who hold dual citizenship in breach of the Constitution, is to rise up and rebuild the governance, independence, cultural and economic development of one's own Nation and then for our First Nations to treaty with each other first, just as the Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) have done, demonstrating a way forward. The more First Nations treaty amongst themselves, the more the writing is on the wall for the colonial government ruling in right of the British Crown. [node:read-more:link]

A Statement from the Bush: 'Songlines can bring us Home'

A Statement from the Bush 'Songlines can bring us Home'

Ghillar, Michael Anderson provides an insight into a viable pathway going forward:
At the Referendum Council's National Convention, the line was drawn in the sand. There are no objections to those who want to be absorbed into our oppressor's society. For us who seek to stand and fight, then we must set our sights on looking at the details of how we develop ourselves as self-determining Nations and Peoples, being guided by international legal norms, whilst living next door to our oppressor. [node:read-more:link]


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