

No treaty or contract is valid if the parties are at war

Rules of Treaty and War

Under international law and domestic contractual law - no treaty or contract can be classified as legal if we are under the 'rules and disciplines of war'. If our First Nations Peoples are not fully aware of these facts, then any contract entered into, treaty or otherwise, can be argued to be invalid. It is imperative that we as First Nations People know all the wrongdoings, so as to ensure that we have a clear understanding of our legal rights now and going forward. We will be making the call, not the colonists. Our rights, our future - never forget it. [node:read-more:link]

Another Economy in Australia

14 July 2018

There’s always been an economy in the lands now known as Australia. Well maybe not always, but for at least 60,000 years.

In 1788, when the British first started dispossessing the Rightful Owners of the soil, the Crown imposed a different legal and economic system onto these lands.
By settlering as if onto a Terra Nullius, the imposed economic order displaced and discounted the Traditional Economy, impoverishing the Traditional Owners. [node:read-more:link]

Veterans' acceptance of Frontier Wars march - a turning point

Veterans' acceptance of Frontier Wars march - a turning point

The success of the 2018 Anzac Day Frontier Wars March in Canberra has given great affirmation to the old adage that if you say it long enough and represent your message by physically making your presence known, people do begin to ask questions and begin to search inwardly within themselves about the truth of the message that we seek to get through to them. The wreath laying event at the cenotaph of the War Memorial caught us by surprise when many of the older veterans of the modern wars stood still as we passed and applauded our entourage. [node:read-more:link]

The corrosion of truth: Our politics is a dreadful black comedy

Richard Flanagan

Tasmanian writer Richard Flanagan spoke to the National Press Club about the lack of leadership by politicians in Canberra, The Tasmanian war of extermination and the Wars and Massacres throughout the entire country and the denial of the important Australian History, saying that 'Freedom means Australia facing up to the truth of its past'.
On this page we provide a video an 8 minute excerpt specifically relating to the Frontier wars and massacres and also a video of the complete presentation and its transcript. [node:read-more:link]

Invitation to join the 2018 Frontier Wars March on Anzac Day, Canberra

Frontiers Wars March Canberra - Anzac Day 2018

Invitation to join the 2018 Frontier Wars March on Anzac Day, Canberra 25 April 2018.

We encourage all comers to join us so that we show to the public that here is a desperate need to tell the truth about the colonisation of this country and the devastation wreaked upon First Nations Peoples. We need to remember those who defended their rights to their country; who volunteered to fight for their country in modern wars, despite being treated as second class peoples. [node:read-more:link]

Flying Foam Massacre - The killing fields of Murujuga


2018 is 150 Years since the 'Flying Foam Massacre' took place at Murujuga (Burrup Peninsula), in the Dampier Archipelago, WA on 17 February 1868, and was only one part of an extended campaign lasting through the rest of February, and continuing in March and May 1868. These slaughters were carried out by WA government agents as an act of genocide. [node:read-more:link]

Racist remote Work for the Dole penalties are seriously detrimental to entire communities

Racist remote Work for the Dole penalties are seriously detrimental to entire communities

Despite claims from Government that more people are engaging in Work for the Dole, penalties for non-attendance at Work for the Dole were higher than ever, at 46,258 in the quarter. These penalties are not waived or worked off and because Aboriginal people in remote areas work much longer hours that their city counterparts, they are penalised at a much higher rate. With an exasperating number of penalties in remote communities, not only do the participants get penalised, but the lack of income affects the whole community. [node:read-more:link]

From the top down - British/Australian genocide and land grab

From the top down - British/Australian genocide and land grab

The British/Australian genocide, slavery and their brutality of colonisation must be understood before our people become so eager to jump into bed with their colonialists in a Treaty process. Never let it be said that that was in the past. Britain is such a great force and is a specialist in psychological warfare and wrote the book on how to divide and conquer people promising everything and giving them nothing. Because the colonialists control the parliaments, the wording has created a legal system that no longer exists in the legal system of England - that is, 'feudalism'. [node:read-more:link]


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