
Before Invasion

When and how did Britain claim Sovereignty over Australia?

What is extraordinary about the British claim of Sovereignty over the eastern half of New Holland and Van Diemen's Land is the extent of the area it covered. Even for a Radical Title, which is a term used for how European Powers could claim precedence over certain lands, to negotiate Rentals, Purchases or Treaties ahead of other European Powers, this claim went far wider than the lands ostensibly "discovered" by Cook. On top of this, this Radical Title was then coupled with the decision to give the British Crown full beneficial ownership. [node:read-more:link]

'Over Cooked': Is Captain Cook the source of British sovereignty in Australia?

The story of Lieutenant James Cook and British Sovereignty over Australia has been overcooked. At no time on any of Cook's three voyages to the Pacific was he intending to go anywhere near New Holland. He did chart the east coast of New Holland in 1770, but that was not part of his Instructions. The whole story about Cook and his association with the claim of British Sovereignty over the lands now known as Australia is retrospective, rather than consistent with the events of the time. Cook's initial "mission" was to get to Tahiti to study the Transit of Venus, and to then look for the fabled Great Southern Land, Terra Australis. [node:read-more:link]

Another Economy in Australia

14 July 2018

There’s always been an economy in the lands now known as Australia. Well maybe not always, but for at least 60,000 years.

In 1788, when the British first started dispossessing the Rightful Owners of the soil, the Crown imposed a different legal and economic system onto these lands.
By settlering as if onto a Terra Nullius, the imposed economic order displaced and discounted the Traditional Economy, impoverishing the Traditional Owners. [node:read-more:link]

Euahlayi Astronomy parallels with Einstein's space-time theory

Ghillar Michael Anderson shares the Stories of the universe that can be told publicly. He has been doing this though oral presentations and now for a broader audience in the recently premiered film 'Star Stories of The Dreaming'. In these Star Stories he has revealed ancient Stories of the stars, the Blackholes and the creation of the natural world that we all now belong to. Very recently Western scientific research has now confirmed these very ancient Stories about the Aboriginal world of Creation. The ancient Stories go much deeper than what science has delivered so far. [node:read-more:link]

Ancient First Nations stories preserve history of a rise in sea level

We can be almost certain that the First Nations people did occupy the coast “where the Great Barrier Reef now stands” during the last ice age for it would have comprised broad floodplains and undulating hills with a range of subsistence possibilities, bordered in most parts by steep cliffs ... then the story might date from as much as 13,000 years ago. A more conservative interpretation, based on a sea level just 30 metres lower than today, would place the age of this story at around 10,000 years ago. [node:read-more:link]

How the people of the oldest continuing culture saw the Stars

Aboriginal Astronomy

'Australian' First Nations people are the longest living continuous culture on earth, but modern researchers have just started to look at the wisdom that comes with the many thousand years of residency, and that's especially true of astronomy. They tracked and predicted interstellar movements in highly sophisticated ways, looking up at the night with eyes intriguingly different to our own. To hear some examples of things that they could teach us, I met with Swinburne University's Dr. Alan Duffy, who specializes in Australian First Nations astronomy. [node:read-more:link]

James Cook's Secret Instructions - 30 June 1768

Known Languages & Dialects at the beginning of the 19th Century


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