

Complexity of Treaty and Treaties

Understanding the difference between sovereign treaties under international law, which affirm sovereignty of First Nations, and domestic treaties within the colonial system, which automatically mean First Nations cede sovereignty.

Ghillar, Michael Anderson presents a set of 4 videos to explain the complexities and traps when entering into a Treaty with the Australian government and/or the British Crown. [node:read-more:link]

From the top down - British/Australian genocide and land grab

From the top down - British/Australian genocide and land grab

The British/Australian genocide, slavery and their brutality of colonisation must be understood before our people become so eager to jump into bed with their colonialists in a Treaty process. Never let it be said that that was in the past. Britain is such a great force and is a specialist in psychological warfare and wrote the book on how to divide and conquer people promising everything and giving them nothing. Because the colonialists control the parliaments, the wording has created a legal system that no longer exists in the legal system of England - that is, 'feudalism'. [node:read-more:link]

'Close the Gap' and 'Apology' are just band-aids

'Close the Gap' and 'Apology' are just band-aids

So long as a Rhodes Scholar is running this country the vested interests of the British Crown are paramount and remain in line with mining magnate Cecil Rhodes' legacy of educating scholars to run and exploit a country for Britain's benefit. PM Malcolm Turnbull, a Rhodes Scholar with a Bachelor of Civil Law from Brasenose College, Oxford is the latest agent of the coloniser to ensure First Nations' inherent sovereign rights to lands, waters and natural resources are quashed. This is consistent with Turnbull's continuing fiasco of the Closing the Gap agenda, which has clearly failed. [node:read-more:link]

Dangers of a single Treaty

Dangers of a single Treaty

The three-day Treaty Talks Workshop on 23-25 January 2018 are welcome but, and there is a but, it has to be understood that a single Treaty, be it State or Federal, will cause more damage to our various Sovereign Nations than the Native Title Act as amended.
I offer this warning to our people that, if each respective Sovereign Nation fails to stand up for itself and take ownership of their own future, your People will stand to lose much through the process and ambition to negotiate a single Treaty. [node:read-more:link]

Sovereign Treaties under International Law


Sovereign First Nations hold the Law of the Land, the continental common which has never been taken away. No-one can legally take a country through genocide and massacre. Commonwealth of Australia rules in right of the Crown of Britain, that's why all laws are assented to by the Governor-general and State laws are assented to by Governors, representing HRH Elizabeth II.Commonwealth of Australia does not have its own sovereignty but depends on Britain's sovereignty. Treaties under international law are between Sovereign Nations. [node:read-more:link]

Makarrata v Treaties

Makarrata v Treaty

The most strategic move for First Nations, at this time of an imploding Commonwealth government wracked by illegal parliamentarians who hold dual citizenship in breach of the Constitution, is to rise up and rebuild the governance, independence, cultural and economic development of one's own Nation and then for our First Nations to treaty with each other first, just as the Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) have done, demonstrating a way forward. The more First Nations treaty amongst themselves, the more the writing is on the wall for the colonial government ruling in right of the British Crown. [node:read-more:link]

WALKOUT STATEMENT Aboriginal Embassy Statement from the Sacred Fire


Aboriginal Embassy Statement from the Sacred Fire
'WALKOUT STATEMENT' Opposing Constitutional Recognition and Manufactured Consent
- We, the First Nations People who gathered at the Sacred Fire of the Aboriginal Embassy on 24-25 June 2017, reject the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ and its’ Guiding Principles. The ‘Uluru Statement’ is a reflection of the corrupt proceedings of the Referendum Council’s Regional Dialogues and the National Constitutional Convention. [node:read-more:link]

No Consent to Recognition - Aboriginal Embassy 22 to 25 June 2017

22 - 25 June 2017
Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Canberra

First Nations Peoples say NO CONSENT to constitutional 'Recognition'. - Four days of actions and pathways forward. - This is a National Call to Action for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to oppose the Australian government's agenda of Genocide. [node:read-more:link]


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