
Rates Cases

Five attempts on my life, character assassination, to push government agendas

Unfortunately a Facebook administrator and a handful of people are using a standard strategy to divide and conquer. This is in opposition to the purpose of the Aboriginal Embassy, which is to unite our people through a common cause. There are a few who are using this platform to pursue the agenda to character assassinate me personally, and to discredit the core purpose of the Sovereign Union. - - Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union Convenor, counters the most recent defaming detractors ...      [node:read-more:link]

Truth always prevails

It appears that the forces in opposition to the Sovereign Union are providing information to detractors, who choose to make a mockery of our liberation movement to free ourselves from the tyranny and subjugation by the colonialists representing the Crown of Britain. Assimilation into the Constitution from Britain will only serve to undermine our sovereign status and thereby provide the Commonwealth of Australia government with a constitutional head of power that would take away all of our cultural, spiritual, human rights, not to mention sealing the deal of the theft of our lands, waters and natural resources. [node:read-more:link]

Grassroots Aboriginal movement in NSW squashes 'Recognise'

Proclamation - Sovereignty - Recognise

Grassroots Aboriginal people from New South Wales have rejected recognition in the Australian Constitution in favour of Aboriginal Sovereignty, the need for Treaties and for government to enter discussions with First Nations. According to Ghillar, Michael Anderson, the Australian Government is in a quandary over the legality of its sovereignty over Australia. Aboriginal people, on the other hand, are finding it very difficult 'to get out from under' the weight of government oppression which he likened to a German 'Reich' or regime. [node:read-more:link]

First Nations Peoples in Australia are being crushed by governments

This media release highlights the crushing of the people who still live under the military intervention in the Northern Territory, where lands can be exploited and misused without consulting the true owners, nor gaining free, prior and informed consent and controlling cultured people's income under a false and deceitful charge. This page also re-issues a warning about the 'Recognise' Campaign and the decision of the Queensland Supreme Court decision in The Rates Dispute Ngurampaa v Balonne Shire Council. [node:read-more:link]

Anderson: You cannot benefit from murder ... Time does not erase murder

In the current Euahlayi Peoples Republic Rates Case (QLD), all sides agree that contested sovereignty is not capable of being decided by a court. Therefore the implications confirm that Aboriginal Nations and Peoples have standing and in this respect the Commonwealth and States cannot argue they have sovereignty and dominion over Aboriginal Nations and Peoples.

Ghillar Michael Anderson reminded the Queensland Supreme Court that: "You cannot benefit from murder and that is what happened. Time does not erase murder." [node:read-more:link]

Charter of the United Nations does not apply to Australia, claims Qld lawyer in Euahlayi 'rates case'

... and in another dramatic follow-up to the Euahlayi 'rates dispute' at the Queensland Supreme Court between the Balonne Shire Council and the Euahlayi Peoples, the Queensland Minister for Natural Resources and Mines presented an admission that there are no cession documents, nor surrender documents as a result of war, relating to the Euahlayi Peoples, neither are there any documents to show that the Euahlayi Peoples' Allodial Title to land was transferred to the Crown's Land tenure system.

Euahlayi People take their fight for their lands to Supreme Court

I'm claiming land title. I want to know how the invaders shifted Aboriginal law, Allodial Title from my mob to their common law system.

Land grants were made in the colonies of Australia under the authority of the English King but Ghillar Michael Anderson said the King did not have all the relevant information. He had been lied to about the acquiescence of the Aborigines and as such there is precedent English law that says the land grants were a fraud and everything arising from that fraud is invalid. [node:read-more:link]

Euahlayi Rates dispute subpoena is 'oppressive' for the Crown: NSW Supreme Court


In the "rates dispute" between the Brewarrina Shire Council and the Euahlayi Nation, the NSW Supreme Court has dismissed a subpoena claiming the Euahlayi are "oppressing" the State and the matter has been put over until 20 June 2014.

Ghillar Michael Anderson, Head of State of Euahlayi Peoples Republic and Convenor of the Sovereign Union, said that this confirms that the nature of Australian society and its laws are a fraud and that they operate a nation state on lands seized by murder and not by consent." [node:read-more:link]


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