

Anderson: You cannot benefit from murder ... Time does not erase murder

In the current Euahlayi Peoples Republic Rates Case (QLD), all sides agree that contested sovereignty is not capable of being decided by a court. Therefore the implications confirm that Aboriginal Nations and Peoples have standing and in this respect the Commonwealth and States cannot argue they have sovereignty and dominion over Aboriginal Nations and Peoples.

Ghillar Michael Anderson reminded the Queensland Supreme Court that: "You cannot benefit from murder and that is what happened. Time does not erase murder." [node:read-more:link]

Declarations of Independence advanced at Brisbane Treaty Talks

Wayne (Coco) Wharton and Marshall Bell

Having attended a two-day Brisbane Treaty Talks conference and workshops on the continuing sovereignty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Michael Anderson said that the meeting was one of the best on a single national issue that he has attended for many years

"Clearly the people are now asking the pertinent questions relating to a process of asserting their continuing sovereignty as individual Nations," he said.

Noel Pearson's 'social experiments' in North Queensland are failing

Noel Pearson's 'social experiments' are failing

A main shortcoming of all the social experiments promoted and funded under the motto of "self determination" are implemented rather paternalistically, basically rules which inhibit a person's ability to make choices and suffer subsequent consequences. His paternalistic policy ignores people's right to fail, which is one of the key steps in achieving growth and capability, hence it truly ignores people's right to succeed as well ... the Welfare Reform Triials are fundamentally flawed as remote townships find it extremely almost impossible to venture into any meaningful economic opportunities given the constraints of land tenure and blanket conservation. [node:read-more:link]

Murrumu charged after driving with licence issued by his Nation

Murrumu Walubara Yidindji, charged after driving with licence issued by his Nation

Murrumu Walubara Yidindji, the former Canberra press gallery journalist previously known as Jeremy Geia, who has renounced Australia to live under tribal law in far North Queensland has been booked for using his own Nations registration plates on his car. Murrumu is behind the establishment of an infant sovereign Yidindji government near Cairns. He is now the nation’s "foreign affairs and trade minister" and says he has referred the matter to his “attorney general for further investigation” [node:read-more:link]

QLD: Half of all young people leaving state care are homeless or behind bars within a year.

This story paints is a damning picture with some people believed to be calling for the age of when young people leave foster, kinship/family and residential care to be raised from 18 to 21. However, this must be thought through very carefully, with input from all parties, including the wider First Nations communities. We don't want yet another patch-up job decided by bureaucrats and governments who always look for a quick fix to try and hide the gaping faults already built into their system. [node:read-more:link]

Mayarra Nyalalji Emblem - Public Notice

The Sovereign Yidindji Government under the authority of Jangalan Yidindji make known to the whole world that the Mayarra Nyalalji (Yidindji Police Force) as the primary law enforcement agency of Yidindji, have now been given the force of law to uphold the laws so as to maintain peace and order within Yidindji Territory.
The Yidindji Tribal People now make known to the world that the Mayarra Nyalalji Emblem is used to identify the authority of the Mayarra Nyalalji ... [node:read-more:link]

Yidindji Tribal Council of Elders - Public Notice

The Sovereign Yidindji Government under the authority of the Yidindji Tribal Council of Elders make known to the whole world that the Mayarra Nyalalji (Yidindji Police Force) as the primary law enforcement agency of Yidindji, have now been given the force of law to uphold the laws so as to maintain peace and order within Yidindji Territory. The Sovereign Yidindji Government Emblem is used to identify Sovereign Yidindji Government Property and the role of the Mayarra Nyalalji is to preserve peace and good order in all areas of Yidindji. [node:read-more:link]

Queensland scientists discover 70 Aboriginal graves on Fraser Island lost for more than 110 years

After more than a century the final resting place of about 70 Aboriginal people have been located on Fraser Island. - In July, a team of scientists from the University of the Sunshine Coast used ground penetrating radar to search the site of the old Bogimbah Mission on the western side of Fraser Island. Local Aboriginal rangers trained in how to locate and record historical sites had earlier identified the possible location of the graves, never recorded and thought lost to history. [node:read-more:link]


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