
Media Releases

The Apology is still an empty vessel: Sovereign Union

In a letter sent to all Federal politicians on 12 February, 2013, Sovereign Union alerts them of the manipulation hidden within the apology that excuses the government of being complicit in authorising and legitimising the actions of Australian state governments.

The 'empty vessel' factor and the heartlessness of no compensation is an insult and a dagger to the heart and soul, thereby increasing the pain of traumatised Peoples. Many people argue that the effort on the part of former PM Kevin Rudd to apologise was worth hearing and that it did serve to act as a catalyst towards improving and easing the trauma of our people, but then to say that our people are not worthy of reparation and compensation for those affected is yet another major slap in the face for the survivors and their families of the Stolen Generations. [node:read-more:link]

Governments 'Act of Recognition' has some very serious implications

The current proposals for an Act of Recognition by the Commonwealth parliament is nothing more than a token gesture, but has some very serious implications, said Sovereign Union spokesperson, Michael Anderson.

"This Act of Recognition Bill does not provide for any referendum amongst First Nations and Peoples through out Australia to register whether they accept this imposed process or reject it; whether we want another process to create the fundamental foundation of the right of self-determination as Peoples, and thereby provide for individual Aboriginal nations to negotiate amicable outcomes through a treaty process that reflects the true ambitions, inherent rights and aspirations of each individual Aboriginal Nation.

National Congress 'Tent Embassy' event on 26th is not ours

First Nations sovereignty activist, Michael Ghillar Anderson, makes clear that an event being organised by the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples (NCAFP) for 26 January 2013 at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra, is NOT an Aboriginal Embassy initiative.

Mr Anderson, spokesperson for Sovereign Union emphasises that the NCAFP is a government funded organisation that has not gained the majority support of grassroots First Nations people.

He said that he recognises the Congress's efforts regarding some reforms but Les Malezer and Congress are publicly supportive of the token Constitutional reform. [node:read-more:link]

Australia doesn't deserve a seat on United Nations”

2012: Michael Anderson, the surviving member of the founders of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra, wrote to the United Nations urging it reject Australia's bid for a temporary seat on the Security Council because of Australia's treatment of Indigenous Australians. In his letter Mr Anderson said Australia was a colonial power and in breach of international conventions in its treatment of its Indigenous people. Mr Anderson also criticised the Federal Government for its policies on asylum seekers.
"Aboriginal nations and peoples in Australia object to any support for Australia to have a temporary position on the UN Security Council," [node:read-more:link]

Mabo judges perverted the course of justice

Eddie Mabo

While the 1992 Mabo judgement was a major milestone in Aboriginal history, we must remember that the judges in this case presented the same cowardice as Justice Blackburn in the Millirrpum Gove case in the 1970s.

In the Gove case, the court gave much weight to the evidence presented by anthropologist Ronald Berndt who coined the phrase, "the Aborigines don't own the land, the land owns them" or words to that effect, thus resigning our people to forever being part of the natural flora and fauna of this country. It must also be stated that the Gove matter was not presented with the 1872 Pacific islanders Protection Act as amended in 1875.

In the Gove matter Justice Blackburn was presented with enough evidence to permit him to make the same conclusions as did the High Court in Mabo but failed to do so. I think this was because of the extent of uncertainty the decision would have presented the Australian state, territory and federal governments in respect to land rights for the white population. [node:read-more:link]

About 'Sovereign Union'

The Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in 'Australia' is asserting genuine pre-existing and continuing sovereignty over First Nations' territories, lands waters and natural resources. This is a liberation struggle educating, communicating, advocating and promoting the capacity-building of First Nation clans and Nations towards independence and governance, and involving reparation..

Concealing colonial strings of control

Concealing colonial strings of control

On this anniversary of 9/11 it is a good opportunity to compare spin and denial. The events of 9/11 are still being analysed, but Dr Judy Woods’ collection of photographs reveal far more than the impact of two planes flying into the Twin Towers.

Australia will never accede to any demands for a truth-telling commission relating to its historical processes of colonisation, because of the consequences that will have to be faced by England and Australia alike for their wrongdoings. [node:read-more:link]

John Howard recognised continuing Aboriginal sovereignty in his Ten Point Plan for limiting Native Title

Former PM, John Howard

With the passage of time it is now painfully obvious that former Prime Minister, John Howard, fully realised that Aboriginal peoples maintain a very powerful position in Australia, so much so, that by amending the Native Title Act in 1998 he demonstrated the inherent power of Aboriginal peoples, which stems from our continuing sovereignty.

Having now reviewed his Ten Point Plan it is important for us, as First Nations Peoples, to revisit John Howard’s amendments and what they meant.

Howard’s Ten Point Plan promised ‘bucket loads’ of extinguishment of Native Title after the Wik decision, in which the High Court found that Native Title continued to exist on pastoral leases in Queensland. This sent the Howard government into a fervent need to create ‘certainty’ for the non-Aboriginal landholders, driven by the fear in existing landholders of our continuing connection to Country.


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