
Media Releases

First Nations prepare legal way forward for sovereign rights

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, reporting that the Sovereign Union Gathering of Nations held at the Yarramundi Cultural Centre, Canberra, from 23 to 25 November 2018 successfully dealt with key issues facing First Nations.

Those attending came from across the continent and welcomed the opportunity to raise the problems they face and to understand ways of dealing with them, while joining the dots to understand the bigger picture of forced assimilation through fraud and deceit. [node:read-more:link]

Call for information on NSW Land Council election irregularities

NSW Land Council Elections

Reports of deceased names used and Aboriginal people have been turned away from polling places in various places because their names are no longer on the membership roll despite having voted in the 2011 NSW Aboriginal Land Council election. Potential voters were turned away. We need to establish a register of how many people were actually turned away on the voting day and other irregularities. In this regard people can contact the Sovereign Union Facebook message system and tell your story. [node:read-more:link]

Scullion commits to saving South Australian homelands BUT...

Media Release

Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Peoples have the potential to operate as an independent sovereign Nation state by virtue of the fact that they have an entry permit system (equivalent to a visa) and they have veto powers in respect to applicants seeking to come into their country. However, when the veil of power is lifted from their governance, it is evident that the Lawmen and women of the APY Executive Board do not understand the extent of their unlimited powers and most of their lands have been negotiated away through Indigenous Land Use agreements. [node:read-more:link]

1965 Freedom Ride re-enactment back on track

Freedom Ride Re-Enactment 2015

Ghillar Michael Anderson responds to a confrontation with those organising 1965 Freedom Ride re-enactment, in particular Rachel Perkins who took offence at his comments in a recent media release.

Having now spoken with all the parties, which was not done in the first instance, Michael Anderson corrects some matters in his previous statement, including that Noel Pearson will be travelling on the 2015 Re-enactment. [node:read-more:link]

1965 Freedom Ride re-enactment going off track

February 2015 is the 50th anniversary of Charles Perkins' and Sydney University's Freedom Ride from Wellington, Walgett, Moree, Gulargambone, Boggabilla, Bowraville and Kempsey etc, but having learnt of Rachel Perkins' proposal to travel with Noel Pearson to commemorate this historic occasion, this commemorative re-enactment of the original Freedom Ride will not be celebrated for what the original Freedom ride stood for. [node:read-more:link]

Anderson responds to Malezer's condemnatory 'GLOBAL ALERT'

Ghillar Nichael Anderson

Ghillar Nichael Anderson seems to have put Les Malezer's nose well out of joint when he showed his ignorance of the historical factors behind the NAC's original participation in 1981. 'Clearly his attempt to discredit me at the international level through his 'Global Alert' is something I would expect of the government and not a co-chair of an Aboriginal body'. Anderson said. '... it shows the political divide between 'National Congress' and the grassroots sovereignty movement'. [node:read-more:link]

'Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' needs serious revision says Anderson on return from Geneva

Ghillar Michael Anderson returned from Geneva after attending an organisational meeting to bring together the first delegates to the UN of the world's Indigenous Peoples in 2015.
"It was from the first delegates' conference in July 1981 that the United Nations established the Working Group on Indigenous Peoples and it was from this body, over many years, that the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was formed. [node:read-more:link]

Fred Chaney's absolute deceit – learn from the past and beware of "Recognise"

Fred Chaney made a career out of undermining First Nations' struggle for self-determination and he still promotes assimilation by leading our young people under the banner of 'Recognise'.

"In 1979, Fred Chaney committed a major illegal, immoral and unethical act against the Aboriginal Peoples of Aurukun, Mornington Island and Doomadgee when he, as the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, commenced a legal challenge to the Queensland Government's proposal to establish the Deeds of Grants in Trust (DoGiT's) for these communities. [node:read-more:link]


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