
Culturally significant

What is 'Decolonisation'? - How do we Decolonise?

What is 'Decolonisation'? - How do we Decononise?

ne of the basic fundamental facets to achieve true decolonisation, that is, we must learn to decolonise our minds. This essentially means that we must stop thinking like our oppressor and thereby stop trying to fit a round peg in a square hole.

I say this because every time we talk about progressing forward in our ambition to achieve self-determination and independence, too often our people revert to saying: We have to ask the government, or we need to ask them for money. [node:read-more:link]

Anderson speaking in Morocco at Interfaith Climate Conscience Summit before COP22

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union is presenting today in Fez, Morocco at the Interfaith Climate Conscience Summit attended by high level participants, who will release the Fez Declaration at 6:00pm Moroccan time, which is 5:00am Sydney time (4 Nov).

Ghillar is speaking on 'Patrimony and Transmission: for the transmission of values, ancestral knowledge and inherited environmental practices'. [node:read-more:link]

London Statement of Common Purpose - Reparations & Decolonisation (ICPF)

International Consultative Preparatory Forum, London meeting working group

The London Statement of Common Purpose arising from a momentous event, which continues in the best Black radical traditions in our Peoples making of world history. This International Consultative Preparatory Forum was initiated by the First Nations 'Spearhead Pacific Alliance' on Decolonisation and Reparations in alliance of Tribal Chiefs, Rulers, Lawmen and Law women and includes the Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples; the Union of British Columbian Chiefs who are non-Treaty Nations; and colonized Pacific Nations, including the Fiji Native Government-in-Exile. [node:read-more:link]

An historic handful of dirt: Whitlam and the legacy of the Wave Hill Walk-Off

Wave Hill 2016

Fifty years ago , on the morning of August 23, 1966, Vincent Lingiari led a walk-off of 200 Gurindji, Mudburra and Warlpiri workers and their families from a remote Northern Territory cattle station, escaping a century of servitude . The families rejected the pleas of their British multinational employer Vestey’s to return to the Wave Hill station, re-occupied an area of their own land at Wattie Creek, and fought until the nation’s leaders heeded their cause. Nine years later, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam symbolically returned the Gurindji’s country with a handful of red dirt. [node:read-more:link]

Radioactive waste and the nuclear war on First Nations and Peoples

Nuclear Waste

From 1998-2004, the Australian federal government used thuggish, racist tactics in a failed attempt to impose a national nuclear waste dump on Aboriginal land in South Australia. The government's subsequent attempt to impose a dump on Aboriginal land in the Northern Territory was even more thuggish and even more racist. But that also failed. Now the Australian government has embarked on its third attempt to establish a nuclear waste dump and it has decided to once again try to impose a dump on Aboriginal land in SA despite clear opposition from Traditional Owners. [node:read-more:link]

Euahlayi Astronomy parallels with Einstein's space-time theory

Ghillar Michael Anderson shares the Stories of the universe that can be told publicly. He has been doing this though oral presentations and now for a broader audience in the recently premiered film 'Star Stories of The Dreaming'. In these Star Stories he has revealed ancient Stories of the stars, the Blackholes and the creation of the natural world that we all now belong to. Very recently Western scientific research has now confirmed these very ancient Stories about the Aboriginal world of Creation. The ancient Stories go much deeper than what science has delivered so far. [node:read-more:link]

Mabo judges perverted the course of justice

Eddie Mabo

While the 1992 Mabo judgement was a major milestone in Aboriginal history, we must remember that the judges in this case presented the same cowardice as Justice Blackburn in the Millirrpum Gove case in the 1970s.

In the Gove case, the court gave much weight to the evidence presented by anthropologist Ronald Berndt who coined the phrase, "the Aborigines don't own the land, the land owns them" or words to that effect, thus resigning our people to forever being part of the natural flora and fauna of this country. It must also be stated that the Gove matter was not presented with the 1872 Pacific islanders Protection Act as amended in 1875.

In the Gove matter Justice Blackburn was presented with enough evidence to permit him to make the same conclusions as did the High Court in Mabo but failed to do so. I think this was because of the extent of uncertainty the decision would have presented the Australian state, territory and federal governments in respect to land rights for the white population. [node:read-more:link]

Asserting Aboriginal Sovereignty into Governance

Message to our Aboriginal Leaders and authorized 'Law/Lore' people of our Aboriginal Nations.

Aboriginal Sovereignty is official recognition of already existing first Nations Peoples (Aboriginal People) cultural and land connection. The recognition recognizes the right for Governance of one's own affairs.

"It is important to understand how in Aboriginal society one nation cannot speak for another" (Anderson, Michael. 2011) [node:read-more:link]


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