
Gross Abuse

Are Aboriginal mothers too scared to ask for help in case it results having their children stolen?

More proof: The criminal justice system is biased against First Nation People

The NSW 'Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research' tells us that the rise in Indigenous imprisonment in NSW is due to a combination of higher rates of arrest resulting in conviction, a greater likelihood of imprisonment given conviction and a higher rate of bail refusal.
We already know this, it's not rocket science, so why do the politicians refuse to do anything about it?

Possibly the largest collection of First Nations Artifacts was destroyed in 1882 fire

An ethnographic exhibition of First Nations artifacts and items that had been stolen, traded or collected as trophies by the colonisers during the first 100 hundred years of the slaughter and displacements were displayed in a seven-month-long exhibition, which received over one million visitors.

Why is trachoma blinding Aboriginal children when mainstream Australia eliminated it 100 years ago?

Trachoma disappeared from most of Australia 100 years ago as individual and community hygiene improved
Trachoma disappeared from most of Australia 100 years ago as individual and community hygiene improved.
(Image: Author provided)

Hugh Taylor, Emma Stanford and Fiona Lange 13 September 2016 [node:read-more:link]

Aboriginal prisoners used as slave labour in Northern Terriory

The Northern Territory branch of the United Voice union says a program that allows prisoners to work at a central Australian salt mine for award wages is akin to slave labour.

The Territory Government says low-security prisoners are being trained for work at a potash project near Curtain Springs because the company had trouble recruiting staff. [node:read-more:link]

Final Notice - The Black Line is Drawn

The Old Country is now talking through the Fire. Be Aware. It is time to listen to the ancient voice, the Sovereign Voice, the ancient energy of the land. This is the true government, the true authority for this country.
All members of the parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia are warned of their knowing complicity in continuing and furthering acts of genocide by systematic denial of Aboriginal Sovereignty and of the need to reparate for crimes against humanity.

A little boy who hid under the bed – a survivor of the Stolen Generations

Marcus Woolombi

The nation’s most elevated risk group to suicide is of individuals who as children were removed from their biological families.

Dr Woolombi Waters The Stringer August 28th, 2016 [node:read-more:link]

Why are so many First Nations kids in detention in the NT in the first place?

Thalia Anthony, Associate Professor in Law, University of Technology Sydney

Across Australia, Indigenous children constitute at least 54% of children in juvenile detention centres. The proportion of Indigenous children in penal detention centres in the NT is higher than in any other state or territory: 97% of children in NT juvenile detention centres are Indigenous. [node:read-more:link]


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