
Gross Abuse

Smallpox: 1789 Biological warfare against First Nations

Lead up to Frontier Wars Memorial March on 25 April 2017

Smallpox: 1789 Biological warfare against First Nations with Chris Warren

Canberra based Researcher Chris Warren undertook a presentation at the Aboriginal (Tent) Embassy on 17th April 2017. Chris provided the evidence relating to Smallpox, the act of biological warfare against First Nations people in New South Wales in 1789. Chris also convincingly answered the known distractions and the deniers of this genocidal act. - This page included the Video of the presentation and the transcription of the slides he used. [node:read-more:link]

Beware of the programmed de-Aboriginalised Aboriginals

de-aboriginalising througn constitution recognition

'We do need to understand who is running the Referendum Council, which is now trying to distance itself from the failed Recognise and Reconciliation campaign for the constitutional inclusion of the words 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders'. This engine room they call the 'Referendum Council' must be urgently scrutinised. Who are these people and what are their backgrounds?' - Ghillar, Michael Anderson provides an overview of the deceit by our own people who are being led by a government with a treacherous agenda. [node:read-more:link]

Detailing the flaws and the farce of the Referendum Council's 2017 Sydney 'Dialogue'

Detailing the flaws and the farce of the Referendum Council's 2017 Sydney 'Dialogue'

The regional meetings set up by the Referendum Council have been a farce. The 'Delegates' were hand-picked and without any representative election process. Their selection didn't meet western democratic standards or First Nations' protocols. The aim of these meetings has proven to be what many expected, a total whitewash. Anyone with alternative opinions or ideas were unable to speak or even record the events. However SU Volunteers monitored the proceedings at the Sydney meeting and provide their comprehensive report here. [node:read-more:link]

Sovereign Union Submission to Senate on NTA (ILUA) Amendment

Attorney-General, Senator George Brandis

Sovereign Union's brief submission to the 'Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee', which was written in much haste, as the notice impending was extremely limited and many First Nations groups would have not only be unaware of the proposed changes, many others who were probably informed would not have had the resources to provide a written presentation, whilst others who use oral communication in their own language as their principal communication method completely obliterated from any form of action on something highly significant on matters relating to their country and culture. [node:read-more:link]

Block Native Title Amendment (Indigenous Land Use Agreements) Bill 2017

King of Racism, George Brandis, Attorney-General

There is a grave concern that the national parliament will accept the bleeting of the racist fear mongers who run immediately to the king of racism, George Brandis, Attorney-General, to amend the Native Title Act. The Commonwealth government is now desperate to overturn the recent decision of the full bench of the Federal Court in the McGlade v Native Title Registrar case, which puts the validity of many ILUAs in doubt as not all 'named applicants’ who needed to sign an ILUA did so.
Incl: Hansard 2nd Reading Native Title Amendment [node:read-more:link]

26th January – It's illegal to celebrate Genocide

Invasion Day

Native Americans were successful in convincing one of the world's leading powers not to celebrate Columbus Day, the day that Native Americans argued began the changing of their whole world and the theft of their country ...
One thing that hurts and disappoints First Nations Peoples is the fact that the High Court of Australia in Mabo (No. 2) failed its judicial obligations, when they could not identify any form of legal land tenure that affirmed any type of superior land title authority. [node:read-more:link]

First Nations Sovereignty now on the International agenda

Ghillar, Michael Anderson BBC Interview, London

During our London-based International Consultative Preparatory Forum on Decolonisation and Reparations I was invited to an interview on BBC World News Live TV in order to open up the international debate on First Nations Sovereignty. The London broadcast reached 200 countries worldwide on 14 October 2016, during Black History month. - The uniting of descendants of former slaves with other First Nations throughout the Pacific and Canada is telling. [node:read-more:link]

Elijah Doughty and Trayvon Martin: Victims of Modern Vigilantism

In 2012, a self-appointed neighborhood watch member, chased a 17yo African American boy in Florida, and shot him. Last week, a 55-year-old man chased a 14yo Elijah Doughty ran him down with his truck. In USA the court failed to hold the perpetrator accountable, giving rise to the #BlackLivesMatter movement. In each case, a vigilante suspected a young person of colour of wrongdoing and killed him. In each case, the killer executed summary justice. [node:read-more:link]


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