
Gross Abuse

Wong-goo-tt-oo elder sings about the spiritual and cultural importance of the Burrup rock art

Tim and Wilfred were preparing to return home, filmmaker Ellie Gilbert was able to video Tim Douglas singing again at the Canberra Airport - Also available on Vimeo

Out of the Silence

by Robert Foster and Amanda Nettelbeck,
with extensive footnotes, index and photographs.

...Regardless of all the nice talks, policies and promises in England during the 1830s, South Australia was invaded in 1836. The British government called it settled instead and pursued a new approach to the treatment of Aboriginal people that would hopefully avoid the horrific violence that had been part of earlier Australian settlement. From now on any acts of violence or injustice towards Aborigines would be punished 'with exemplary severity'. [node:read-more:link]

Frontier History Revisited - Colonial Queensland

Frontier History Revisited - Colonial Queensland and the 'History War' by Robert Ørsted-Jensen, 278 pp, Lux Mundi Publishing, Brisbane, 2011, ISBN 9781466386822, c$27.00. [node:read-more:link]

Videos of the 2011 Remembrance ceremony and March

Location: Canberra Embassy ceremony and ANZAC Day March 2011

This is a cut of the 2011 ANZAC Day video above - providing footage of the March day only - see footage of the vigil below. [node:read-more:link]

Remains of First Nation Tasmanians have arrived at Launceston

"We bought our old folk home where they belong, they're finally home," delegation member Dave Warrener said. [node:read-more:link]

The Frontier Wars

Michael Anderson: "In 2011 we started 'Lest We Forget the Frontier Wars' by joining on behind the Anzac Day march in Canberra and we received enormous support from the public at this time. [node:read-more:link]

The 'Great Silence' of Australian media fails the First Nations people

First Nations people were expressly excluded from voting in federal elections until 1962, they did not have full citizenship rights and were not counted in censuses until 1967 and were classed as "flora and fauna". Conversely, between 1949 and 1973 British citizens could enter Australia without a visa, access welfare and had the right to vote. British subjects on the electoral roll before a change in legislation in 1984 still have the right to vote without being a citizen.

Wotton family launches class action over 2004 Palm Island death in custody

Agnes Wotton

Lex Wotton

Cecily Wotton

Allyson Horn 24 June 2014 [node:read-more:link]


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