

Research findings back up Aboriginal legend on origin of Central Australian palm trees

Several years ago Tasmanian ecologist David Bowman did DNA tests on palm seeds from the outback and near Darwin.The results led him to conclude the seeds were carried to the Central Desert by humans up to 30,000 years ago.Several years ago Tasmanian ecologist David Bowman did DNA tests on palm seeds from the outback and near Darwin. The results led him to conclude the seeds were carried to the Central Desert by humans up to 30,000 years ago.Several years ago Tasmanian ecologist David Bowman did DNA tests on palm seeds from the outback and near Darwin. [node:read-more:link]

Tasmania: A Timeline of the History of First Nations People

A comprehensive Timeline for the history of First Nations people in Tasmania. Also incded are some copies of John Glover's landscape paintings, including the Last Muster of Tasmanian Aborigines at Risdon. This painting tells the story of the last group of innocent Tasmanian Aborigines that remains in the Risdon Area before they were deported to Flinders Island. Glover thought the Tasmanian Aborigines would be extinct by that period of time, and when he died in 1849, there were only about 40 Tasmanian Aborigines still alive. [node:read-more:link]

Cultural appropriation and the portrayal of First Nations Peoples as lesser beings

In a provocative keynote address at the Australian Theatre Forum Ilbijerri Theatre Company's Artistic Director, Rachael Maza, spoke powerfully and passionately about the differences between cultural appropriation and cultural exchange ... It's frightening to see that these condescending productions are accepted and even acclaimed in 2015. These public productions that perpetuate the myths of the invaders is one of the principle reasons that 'Education' urgently needs to provide a more comprehensive understanding of history. [node:read-more:link]

Australian history curriculum - extension shelved but history choked

A federal government Ministers meeting passed a resolution supporting the four broad themes for change outlined in the federal government's initial response, which are reducing the overcrowding in the curriculum, promoting a parent-friendly version of the curriculum, improving accessibility for students with disabilities, and rebalancing the curriculum with the removal of the 'overarching themes' of Australian First Nations, Asia and sustainability issues embedded in curriculum subjects. [node:read-more:link]

Cuts to First Nations history planned in Victorian secondary schools curriculum

First Nations culture

With all VCE history courses under review this year, the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority has indicated that Koorie history will be cut due to declining enrolments. This leaves the one-year Australian history course as the only way for Victorian students to study Australian indigenous history in their final two years of secondary school. Given that the assessment of this body largely determines students' admission to university, teachers are under enormous pressure to adhere to the Study Design. [node:read-more:link]

First Nations languages won’t survive if kids are learning only English

Jane Simpson writes that Indigenous languages won't survive if First Nations kids don't have the opportunity to speak their native languages at school. Ms Simpson is the Chair of Indigenous Linguistics and Deputy Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language at Australian National University asks the question of what language(s) to teach Indigenous students, what languages to teach them in, and how to go about it has been generating a little political heat (but not quite so much light) of late. [node:read-more:link]

Government's 'Biggest Loser' policy for remote First Nation childrens literacy

... it just will not deliver long-term gains

It seems like a bizarre kind of double-think that the government can abandon the Gonski funding model, which would have most helped disadvantaged students; cut $534 million in funding for Indigenous community health and education programs; and then turn around and claim that a sparkly new program will somehow "fix" First Nations literacy.

Evidence for Indigenous Australian Agriculture


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