

WA heritage changes: Cultural genocide vs mining dollars

First Nation healers working to keep traditional medicine alive

In the Anangu Pitjintjatjara Yangkunjatjara lands in northern South Australia, Ngangkari healers work alongside doctors and medical staff in community clinics and hospitals, and often visit Adelaide to attend to Indigenous hospital patients.
In the mental health area their involvement in the care of Aboriginal people is even enshrined in state law, and Ngangkari deal with everything from childhood illnesses to loss of spirit.

A community hunted onto the streets in the name of Redevelopment

In May 2003, Robert Bropho, (Now deceased) was charged with rape at the Swan Valley community.

On the same day Bevan Carter, the deputy Mayor of the Town of Bassendean, said he 'suspected a link' between closure of the camp and government plans to develop the land.[1]

Robert Bropho, Susan Taylor and the Western Australian Government

Rally plan to protest site demolition

The First Nation Swan Valley community was closed down amid allegations of violence and abuse, but many residents want to return because they don't feel safe in government housing ... not to mention the cultural wealth and self determination value.

Many First Nation Groups lived in villages, farmed and traded

Life was not a 'walkabout' for the First Nations before they were chased out of their homes and hunted off 'country' by the European genocidal invasion.


Book argues against Aboriginal 'hunter gatherer' history

Why all Australian kids should learn First Nation peoples history

The archaeological history of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia is a truly remarkable story that very few Australians are aware of ... Perhaps the most deceptive myth perpetuated about Aboriginal society is the idea it was 'primitive', 'stone age', 'nomadic', or 'unevolved'. This type of thinking feeds racist stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes which continue to marginalise and disassociate Aboriginal Australians from the national identity.


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