
Constitutional Reform

Beware of the programmed de-Aboriginalised Aboriginals

de-aboriginalising througn constitution recognition

'We do need to understand who is running the Referendum Council, which is now trying to distance itself from the failed Recognise and Reconciliation campaign for the constitutional inclusion of the words 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders'. This engine room they call the 'Referendum Council' must be urgently scrutinised. Who are these people and what are their backgrounds?' - Ghillar, Michael Anderson provides an overview of the deceit by our own people who are being led by a government with a treacherous agenda. [node:read-more:link]

Detailing the flaws and the farce of the Referendum Council's 2017 Sydney 'Dialogue'

Detailing the flaws and the farce of the Referendum Council's 2017 Sydney 'Dialogue'

The regional meetings set up by the Referendum Council have been a farce. The 'Delegates' were hand-picked and without any representative election process. Their selection didn't meet western democratic standards or First Nations' protocols. The aim of these meetings has proven to be what many expected, a total whitewash. Anyone with alternative opinions or ideas were unable to speak or even record the events. However SU Volunteers monitored the proceedings at the Sydney meeting and provide their comprehensive report here. [node:read-more:link]

Referendum Council's constitutional 'Dialogue' processes fatally flawed

Referendum Council's constitutional 'Dialogue' processes fatally flawed

Report on Sydney Referendum Council's invitation only meeting at Rooty Hill RSL. The Referendum Council's push for constitutional inclusion and 'Recognition' of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is not premised on obtaining the free prior and informed consent of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, whose lives and cultures will be significantly impacted upon. They have engaged a frontline of uninformed, ignorant and disrespectful Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander public servants, while the white bureaucrats pull strings in the background. [node:read-more:link]

Dare to be wise: Decolonisation underpins the Sovereign Treaties processes

Copy of Sovereign Union Letter (and document) delivered to the United Nations in New York to the Secretary General of the United Nations by Ghillar, Michael Anderson on 16 June 2016. The summary of the 40 page attached document named 'Dare to be wise: Decolonisation underpins the Sovereign Treaties processes in contrast to 'Recognise' which fosters assimilation' is included here along with a link to a pdf copy of the entire document. [node:read-more:link]

'Recognition' - It's time to fund the 'No' vote.

Constitutional Recognition

For millennia there existed, settled laws and customs and ancient social practices have stood the test of time on the continent named 'Australia' by the invaders ... This, under international law, confirms our ability as Aboriginal Nations and Peoples to argue the Act of State doctrine, which is now vehemently expressed when dealing with sovereign inherent rights to govern. Mabo confirms this assertion by us as First Nations Peoples, because as the majority judgement says that Aboriginal Peoples' rights to property have survived the British sovereignty assertion. [node:read-more:link]

Referendum Council Round 2

It is time that the members of this newly formed Referendum Council focus their attention on conducting true and meaningful discussions with the grassroots communities. There is a desperate need to have town hall meetings to hear the reasoning of the opposition's position to First Nations people being included in the Australian Constitution.
It is our inherent right to choose our own national identity, our own political and economic affiliations, and to exercise our freedoms. To be denied this is a clear violation of all Human Rights. [node:read-more:link]

Why the Deafening Silence: on Constitutional Recognition?

Vote no to Constitutional Recognition

They are ramping up the 'R' campaign amongst our people at the grassroots. We need to tell the Australian public that we don't accept inequality; we don't want the government to make laws for us; the only thing we want is our sovereignty recognised, our Law and culture recognised; and by having each Nation map their own country and then negotiating their own Treaty packages will we be able to gain a type of satisfaction in this war of attrition against the colonialists. It is so wrong for non-Aboriginal people to be making choices and setting time frames for our Peoples. [node:read-more:link]

Tony Abbott's Summit on Constitutional recognition a Pinochet or Hitler type moment for Aboriginal Peoples

This Recognise campaign is about securing the head of power to govern over Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. It is not about securing our rights or freeing us from racial discrimination. Ghillar Anderson responds to mainstream media referring to PM Tony Abbott's suggestion he would deal with any right wing opposition to First Natiions peoples in the Constitution 'with love' – a Mandella type moment. Instead Anderson calls PM Tony Abbott's Summit on Constitutional recognition with 40 Indigenous 'leaders' a Pinochet or Hitler type moment for Aboriginal Peoples. [node:read-more:link]


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