

Aboriginal Sovereign Manifesto of Demands

Aboriginal Sit-in 'Day One' Canberra

'Day One' of the Sit-in was successful in gaining world attention, due to the government 'spill' being moved forward by a day. The Aboriginal Sovereign Manifesto of Demands was delivered in person to both sides of the Commonwealth Government.
The Manifesto begins with:
"We, the Aboriginal Sovereign Peoples with the National Aboriginal Freedom Movement demand that the Commonwealth of Australia begins negotiations to establish a time frame for our decolonisation, through Treaties under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties with the legitimate authorised representatives of each Nation State. This will form the basis of the recovery framework for the healing from the devastation wreaked upon Aboriginal Nations and Peoples by State sanctioned genocide and gross violations of human rights. ..." [node:read-more:link]

Anderson: Finding solidarity in the core of the resistance to 'recognition' in the racist constitution.

"The time has come where we must draw the line in the sand to use Arabunna Elder, Kevin Buzzacott 's statement: 'The Black Line is drawn', in respect to the issue of constitutional reform and recognition. The intent of genocide in its rawest form. We will be finished as a distinct race of people, approved of by the selected few chosen First Nations people. This is wrong and absolutely unjust!. If we are going to be wiped out through assimilation, then we must stand and fight by whatever means possible. [node:read-more:link]

Anderson: Unite for the common cause to defeat this 'Deceit by Fraud'

Aboriginal Sovereignty

The question of our Sovereignty is now raging across the country ... You can expect those same people who gave us the Native Title Act will come back out of the wood work to do their dirty deeds again.

The government knows they now have to deal with our sovereignty and they will now throw heaps of money around to employ our own people to direct us away from the real issue. [node:read-more:link]

Minister's plan for First Nations People is a trap to counter the Sovereignty Movement

We must warn our people that the government's seemingly benign 'work for the dole' community planting program has a deceitful intent.

Minister Greg Hunt and PM Tony Abbott may claim that their Direct Action plan for Indigenous people has unintended consequences, but from a First Nations perspective Hunt's plan is an evil act, designed with intent to cheat Aboriginal people of their inherent rights as pre-existing and continuing sovereign Peoples. [node:read-more:link]

Michael Anderson challenges Professor and Attorney-general to publicly debate sovereigny

Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia said today: "A recent comment made by one of Australia's leading constitutional lawyers, Prof George Williams, demonstrates the incapacities on non-Aboriginal legal experts to see beyond the legal system that they are sworn to serve and uphold.

"Clearly Prof Williams lacks objectivity in his radio interview with The Wire, because his teachings and his practice focus primarily on the system that affords him his status in his society, which is the same society that seeks to steal our patrimony, citizenship and usurp our sovereignty without any legal foundation. [node:read-more:link]

Goomeroi People call for a mining freeze on sacred lands

One of the largest black states in the country calls for a freeze on all mining and development on their ancestral lands.

More that 400 Native Title claimants met in Tamworth to discuss Goomeroi business on the weekend.

Representatives said that they are looking at options to stop ministerial decisions which approve mining in the region.

General Principles of Sovereignty for non-lawyers

Sovereignty is the ultimate power, authority and/or jurisdiction over a people and a territory. No other person, group, tribe or state can tell a sovereign entity what to do with its land and/or people.

A sovereign entity can decide and administer its own laws, can determine the use of its land and can do pretty much as it pleases, free of external influence (within the limitations of international law).
By Dr Alessandro Pelizzon [node:read-more:link]

Sovereign Union may set up its first international office in Fiji

Indigenous Fijians are interested in formalising an alliance with Australia's First Nations people as they fight to retain land and sea rights and there are plans to organise a Pacific parliament on the lines of the European Union.

Oni Kirwin, is a First Nations woman from Fiji who is passionate about keeping her sovereign rights alive and is currently in Australia forging links with the Sovereign Union movement. [node:read-more:link]


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