

Half a billion in Stolen Wages contributed to abject poverty

In 2013 Mr Conrad Yeatman, a proud old Aboriginal man who was never paid directly for a lifetime of work receives nothing and in the same week Francis Abbott (Daughter of Tony Abbott), born of privilege receives a $60,000 scholarship to help her study.

Conrad Yeatman
Conrad Yeatman
SBS News

Dr Woolombi Waters The Stringer 4 June 2014 [node:read-more:link]

WA under fire over stolen wages compensation

Stolen Wages

The West Australian Government is under fire over its compensation offer to pay lost wages to thousands of the state's Indigenous workers.

Between 1905 and 1972, the government withheld up to three-quarters of the wages earned by workers on state-run Native Welfare Settlements, but they never got their hard earned money back. [node:read-more:link]

No law against genocide means Australia is not a civilised nation

Parts of the Genocide Convention were imported into domestic law by way of the International Criminal Court Consequential Amendments Act 2002, but only the Attorney-General can begin a genocide case and if he/she refuses there is no right of appeal and no reasons need to be given. (268.121 - 268.122). This is contrary to the intent of the long-standing Genocide Convention, which Australia was the third country to sign.

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