

Sovereignty video set with Ghillar Michael Anderson

1. Power of Sovereignty

Trick or Treaty

2. Power of Sovereignty

Euahlayi and UDI and acceptance by the Crown [node:read-more:link]

Why more schools need to teach bilingual education to First Nations children

Indigenous children can benefit greatly from learning in a language they understand
Indigenous children can benefit greatly from learning in a language they understand
(Image: Neda Vanovac / AAP)

Samantha Disbray, Senior linguistics researcher, Charles Darwin University
16 June 2017 [node:read-more:link]

Recognition hits another Treaty wall on their road to enforce assimilation

Tasmania Treaty Demands
Rodney Gibbons and Wendy Moore outside Hobart. (The Australian Pic: Peter Mathew)

Stephen Fitzpatrick The Australian 12 December 2016

Constitutional recognition of First Nations people has been blindsided by more demands, with an official forum in Hobart insisting that plans for a referendum must be accompanied by Treaty talks. [node:read-more:link]


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