

Djurin Nyoongar Swan River Treaty

VIDEO INCLUDED - Djurin Nyoongar Swan River Treaty officially sanctioned at Matargarup (Heirisson Island) in the Swan River on 1 March 2015. Various groups of the Djurin Republic and Nyoongar Nation came together to sign the Swan River Treaty on this day. "Placing our trust in our Creator and the Stories of our Dreamings, we, the following members of the Nyoongar Nation, affix our signatures representing each of the clans to this Treaty from this day forth to be known as the Swan River Treaty." [node:read-more:link]

Hundreds more First Nations young people will suicide if we wait for 2015

Reduce the extreme poverty and in addition send in a crack team of experts to identify trusted Elders and community leaders to work psychosocially with youth, families and communities to restore their right to hope. Fund this support, now ... it’s not rocket science.

Nothing will be done about the suicides crisis states expert

From 2001 to 2010, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) confirmed 996 suicides of First Nations people. That is 1 in every 24 of First Nations deaths by suicide. But my research argues that if we include estimates for unreported suicides and other unnatural deaths that should be identified as suicides, that the tragic tally is closer to 2000 suicides for the ten year period.

How many more suicides will it take?

Report on Deaths in Custody - people dying at high rates
Oz prison population has more than doubled in the last 20 yrs from 15,000 to 31,000. Between 2000 to 2008 prison deaths of 'natural causes' rose to 24.6% per year

Euahlayi Nation sends Queen Elizabeth a letter declaring their independence

Proclamation for Western Australia - James Stirling

High Court writ sought to challenge Australian governments acting as a corporation registered in the US

It is our time to take the biggest stand in our history as an invaded people. I believe that Aboriginal people have now reached the point where going forward means challenging the status quo and altering our history.
We have two choices: to de-colonize ourselves and become free and independent people pursuing our own chosen destiny through the process of self-determination, or to acquiesce and become assimilated into the invader society, degrading our culture to mere museum pieces in which we perform like trained monkeys for the tourists.


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