Parliament will only want submissions on how to support Recognition - but this information might provide Activists with a chance to let the voting public know how much opposition there is. ie Rallies at consultations etc.
The Parliament of Australia website states that the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples welcomes submissions on steps that can be taken to progress towards a successful referendum on Indigenous Constitutional Recognition.
The following details are from the Government website - Link
Consultation Schedule:
The committee has agreed to conduct the following consultations:
30 June - Brisbane
1 - 2 July - Cairns and Torres Strait
21 - 24 July - Kimberley Region
1 - 4 Aug - Garma Festival
13 -15 August - Regional Victoria and Melbourne
18 - 20 August - Katherine and Darwin
8 - 10 September - Kalgoorlie and Perth
15 -17 September - Regional SA and Adelaide
26 September - Sydney
3 October - Canberra
9 - 10 October - Alice Springs
3 - 6 November - Regional NSW
12 - 13 November - Hobart and Launceston
Relevant Links:
The committee welcomes submissions
Submissions information
How to make a submission to a Senate Committee Inquiry
Completed inquiries by this committee
Completed Reports none available as at 24 June 2014
Committee Secretariat contact:
Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Phone: (02) 6277 3544
Fax: (02) 6277 5719
Abbotts Teacher of Lies: In 2007, John Winston Howard, whilst opposing the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, a Treaty and after shutting down ATSIC and introducing the Northern Territory Intervention, said "... I announce that if I am re-elected, I will put to the Australian people within 18 months a referendum to formally recognise Indigenous Australians in our Constitution, their history as the first inhabitants of our country, their unique heritage of language and culture, and their special, though not separate, place within a reconciled indivisible nation."