The story of Aboriginal activist, Anthony Martin Fernando who protested on the streets of early 20th Century Europe and England against the British government and the treatment of Australian Aborigines.
Aboriginal perspective of the motion was put forward and carried at the Glenelg Shire Council April meeting, recognising the rights of the Portland Sovereign Aboriginal Embassy to protest. Sandra Onus, Aboriginal Activist from the Embassy speaks on 3CR's 'Earth Matters'.
Arabunna Elder Uncle Kevin Buzzacott's challenge to Federal Court approval of BHP-Billeton's Olympic Dam uranium mine expansion gets dismissed - BHP & the Federal Government seek court costs from Uncle Kev, who is an elderly pensioner. Also, update from Portland Aboriginal Tent Embassy. - 3CR Earth Matters | 5th May 2012
Professor Henry Reynolds is an historian, and author, predominantly focussed on the history of Aboriginal and settler relations including the violent conflicts between settler Australians and Indigenous Australians in 20 books and countless articles. Interview with Kate O'Toole, ABC Darwin
Councillor Gilbert Wilson, Mayor of Glenelg Shire is questioned by ABC South Western Victoria's Jeremony Lee about the Portland Tent Embassy. Councillor Wilson states the Shire Council's position just one week after the Embassy was established in February 2012.
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation CEO Michael Woodley on campaign to protect the Yindjibarndi People's sacred land & sovereign rights from iron ore giant Fortescue Metals Group (FMG). 3CR's 'Earth Matters'
From 3CR's Earth Matters Program - Original Nations in New South Wales and Queensland have united to control the waterflow in the Murray Darling Basin. Fred Hooper, Chairperson of the The Northern Murray Darling Basin Aboriginal Nations is interviewd on Earth Matters.
Police brutality is out of control - Ray Jackson, spokesperson from Indigenous Social Justice Association talks about the shooting of two Aboringal teenagers at Kings Cross, NSW, who allegedly stole a car. Amateur mobile phone video footage demonstrates unnecessary police brutality. (SBS) #AustraliaPoliceBrutalityAboriginalYouths
The New South Wales Police Integrity Commissioner says his organisation has neither the resources nor the expertise to carry out an independent investigation into the shooting by police of two teenagers at Kings Cross in Sydney last month. The incident and graphic amateur vision of its aftermath led to calls for an independent probe. #AustraliaAboriginalPoliceBrutalityAboriginalJuveniles
Sue Lee from 3CR's 'Wednesday Hometime' interviews Michael Anderson - Here we have Michael explaining his investigating trip to England and his findings after viewing 'The Pacific Islanders Protetection Act 1975', and his talks with constitunional lawyers regarding the legiminacy of the explicit findings. #AustraliaPacificIslandersProtectionActAboriginalSovereighty
In this Podcast Michael Anderson explains 'Aboriginal Sovereignty' at the National Univerity in Canberra in January 2012. He explains the 'Doctrine of Discovery' and other related documents. He outlines what they mean in relation to Aboriginal sovereign rights. #AustraliaSovereigntyAboriginalDoctrineOfDiscovery