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Sydney singer Jess Beck proud to celebrate her Indigenous roots

Google News - Wed, 2015/06/17 - 2:37am
The daughter of South Australian pastoralists discovered her family ... The 31-year-old grew up on a farm near Mount Gambier in South Australia with ... "Kids at primary school thought it would be funny to direct Aboriginal jokes at me ...

Would you vote 'yes' or 'no' to constitutional recognition of indigenous ... - Eden Magnet

Eden Magnet

Would you vote 'yes' or 'no' to constitutional recognition of indigenous ...
Eden Magnet
It would be nice if Australia came on line with other countries, and live in this century rather than the last century. Most countries have already acknowledged their indigenous peoples, and New Zealand is a great example to follow where there is a ...

Antony &amp; The Johnsons Singer Donates Dark Mofo Fee To WA <b>Aboriginal</b> Cause

Google News - Wed, 2015/06/17 - 1:18am
Their knowledge and stewardship of their homelands is one of Australia's most precious living assets." The New York based artist cited the community ...

Pipeline of Indigenous Talent Leads to Social Enterprise Success - Pro Bono Australia

Pro Bono Australia

Pipeline of Indigenous Talent Leads to Social Enterprise Success
Pro Bono Australia
Western Sydney has the largest percentage of Aboriginal youth unemployment in Australia, while nationally, the unemployment rate for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is 18 per cent, three times the national unemployment rate of 6.1 ...

Pipeline of Indigenous Talent Leads to Social Enterprise Success - Pro Bono Australia

Pro Bono Australia

Pipeline of Indigenous Talent Leads to Social Enterprise Success
Pro Bono Australia
Western Sydney has the largest percentage of Aboriginal youth unemployment in Australia, while nationally, the unemployment rate for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is 18 per cent, three times the national unemployment rate of 6.1 ...

Pipeline of Indigenous Talent Leads to Social Enterprise Success

Google News - Wed, 2015/06/17 - 12:11am
Western Sydney has the largest percentage of Aboriginal youth unemployment in Australia, while nationally, the unemployment rate for the Aboriginal ...

Indigenous Liasion Officer to Visit New Zealand

Google News - Tue, 2015/06/16 - 9:33pm
He will take part in a series of talks and speak on the subject of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander service in the First World War and ...

Australia's most shameful statistics - Daily Life

Daily Life

Australia's most shameful statistics
Daily Life
I've been writing and reporting on the data about male violence and female poverty for years now. And every single article I've written on those topics included (or should have) the sentence "Aboriginal women are disproportionately represented in this ...

Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian football - Gulf Times

Gulf Times

Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian football
Gulf Times
Having a thick skin is a handy attribute for top Australian Rules footballers, but incessant jeering of one of the game's greatest Aboriginal players has become an embarrassing distraction for the country's richest sporting competition. Adam Goodes, a ...
Sport-Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian footballYahoo Canada Sports
Australian Football - Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian sportYahoo Eurosport UK

all 10 news articles »

<b>Australia&#39;s</b> most shameful statistics

Google News - Tue, 2015/06/16 - 2:37pm
What can we do about Australia's most shameful statistics? ... If we listen, and truly hear what Aboriginal people are telling us, then surely the next step ...

Indigenous leaders reject Noel Pearson&#39;s call for new body

Google News - Tue, 2015/06/16 - 2:33pm
Aboriginal leaders are resisting a proposal from Cape York leader Noel Pearson ... The National Congress of Australia's First Peoples was the elected ...

Indigenous leaders reject Noel Pearson's call for new body - The Australian

Indigenous leaders reject Noel Pearson's call for new body
The Australian
Reconciliation Australia's co-chairman, Tom Calma, agreed that indigenous Australians were not represented in parliament as a population group, but said this could be addressed without constitutional change. A report he prepared as the country's ...

and more »Google News

Plea to drive indigenous business

Google News - Tue, 2015/06/16 - 2:05pm
Aboriginal leaders are calling for a new wave of land rights reform to boost economic development in indigenous communities and build on the native ...

Plea to drive indigenous business - The Australian

The Australian

Plea to drive indigenous business
The Australian
“This reform would be part of a wider settlement that will empower our communities, provide us with control over our lands, and ensure we can use our land for economic development — just like everyone else in Australia.'' Cape York leader Noel Pearson ...

Adam Goodes isn&#39;t booed for the colour of his skin. He is booed for acting like a pillock

Google News - Tue, 2015/06/16 - 1:52pm
But for sports administrators and sanctimonious journalists to denounce the crowds as somehow anti-Aboriginal is the real racism. It's that sort of ...

Noel Pearson says government has work to do with indigenous - The Australian

The Australian

Noel Pearson says government has work to do with indigenous
The Australian
The Cape York leader said indigenous leadership was strong and had the support of corporate Australia to pursue social and economic advancement, but government was falling short. “The government piece is still not right,” he said. He cited inaction ...

and more »

Noel Pearson says government has work to do with indigenous

Google News - Tue, 2015/06/16 - 12:45pm
Mr Pearson also warned against “short changing” indigenous Australians over ... Reconciliation Australia's co-chair Tom Calma agreed indigenous ... A report he prepared as the country's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social ...

Australian Football - Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian sport - Yahoo Eurosport UK

Yahoo Eurosport UK

Australian Football - Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian sport
Yahoo Eurosport UK
But the booing of Goodes has alarmed anti-racism advocates and shone the spotlight on race relations in Australia. A prominent and outspoken community leader, Goodes has been forthright in discussing race in a country where indigenous people lag ...
Sport-Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian footballYahoo Canada Sports
Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian footballGulf Times
Adam Goodes isn't booed for the colour of his skin. He is booed for acting ...The Daily Telegraph (blog)

all 10 news articles »

Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian sport - AU AU

Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian sport AU
But the booing of Goodes has alarmed anti-racism advocates and shone the spotlight on race relations in Australia. A prominent and outspoken community leader, Goodes has been forthright in discussing race in a country where indigenous people lag ...
Sport-Jeering of Aboriginal player awkward for Australian footballDaily Mail
Adam Goodes isn't booed for the colour of his skin. He is booed for acting ...The Daily Telegraph (blog)
Don't pretend - booing Goodes is a racial issuePerth Now

all 7 news articles »

Jeering of <b>Aboriginal</b> player awkward for <b>Australian</b> sport

Google News - Tue, 2015/06/16 - 11:26am
Having a thick skin is a handy attribute for top Australian Rules footballers, but incessant jeering of one of the game's greatest Aboriginal players has ...


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