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WA Indigenous recognition bill receives bipartisan support

Thu, 2015/06/18 - 12:00am
A bill recognising Indigenous people as Western Australia's first inhabitants and ... to recognise Aboriginal people as first inhabitants and traditional custodians. ... "Despite all our differences I believe West Australian people and all ...

Traditional owners angry over mine closure

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 11:52pm
Northern Land Council CEO Joe Morrison says Aboriginal people counting on them for work have been left frustrated. ... "How much can the residents of northern Australia put up with this kind of development is the question we need ...

Traditional owners angry over mine closure

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 11:48pm
The collapse of two iron ore mines in the Top End has devastated the aspirations of Aboriginal traditional owners and scuppered job and economic ...

Laura Festival dances to the tune of $55000

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 10:52pm
The Palaszczuk Government has thrown its support behind Australia's leading Aboriginal dance festival to ensure event-goers have a great ...

Here &amp; Now #110: Where is <b>Australia</b>?

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 9:00pm
The disrespect of the First Peoples makes me ashamed to see 'Australia' embossed ... Where is the fair go for Aboriginal people whose land this is?

<b>Aboriginals</b> on higher ground

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 3:56pm
TO be told “you are too nice to be an Aborigine” would seem like an infuriating comment to indigenous and non-indigenous Australians alike.

Adani&#39;s plan to give 250 mn benefits to traditional owners

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 11:37am
... the traditional owners who are opposing the company's 16.5 billion dollar project in Australia's Queensland state. ... Colin McLennan, Chair of Bulganunna Aboriginal Corporation Registered (Jangga) Native Title Body Corporate, ...

What is NAIDOC Week all about?

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 10:18am
Around 1920 Aboriginal rights groups boycotted Australia Day (January 26) in protest against the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians.

Adani&#39;s plan to deliver $250 mn benefits to traditional owners

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 8:48am
... groups spanning Adani's operations over the half-life of the company's projects (30 years)," Adani Australia said. ... Colin McLennan, Chair of Bulganunna Aboriginal Corporation Registered (Jangga) Native Title Body Corporate, ...

Adani&#39;s plan to deliver $250 million benefits to traditional owners

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 8:48am
... the traditional owners who are opposing the company's 16.5 billion dollar project in Australia's Queensland state. ... Colin McLennan, Chair of Bulganunna Aboriginal Corporation-Registered (Jangga) Native Title Body Corporate, ...

Adani&#39;s plan to deliver $250 million benefits to traditional owners

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 8:48am
... groups spanning Adani's operations over the half-life of the company's projects (30 years)," Adani Australia said. ... Colin McLennan, Chair of Bulganunna Aboriginal Corporation-Registered (Jangga) Native Title Body Corporate, ...

Pearson&#39;s &#39;zero voice&#39; comments anger Indigenous leaders

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 5:09am
"Ancient Australia needs to have a voice in this parliament, to this ... a very good national representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ...

Antony Hegarty condemns &#39;genocide&#39; of indigenous peoples in <b>Australia</b> and US

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 5:03am
... where she issued a powerful call to arms for action on Aboriginal rights and ... “I know there has been a lot of conversation in Australia in recent months ... Australia's Indigenous people were a “precious resource”, said Hegarty, ...

Early learning scheme to expand across regional WA with hopes of better Indigenous education <b>...</b>

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 3:56am
The Member for Durack, Melissa Price, said the program would be particularly beneficial for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. "We've all ...

Erasing the Rowley line: inside an Indigenous printmaking workshop

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 2:37am
Rowley drew the line across a map of Australia to mark the point at which 'settled' Australia gave way to 'colonial' Australia. Aboriginal people were ...

Sydney singer Jess Beck proud to celebrate her Indigenous roots

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 2:37am
The daughter of South Australian pastoralists discovered her family ... The 31-year-old grew up on a farm near Mount Gambier in South Australia with ... "Kids at primary school thought it would be funny to direct Aboriginal jokes at me ...

Antony &amp; The Johnsons Singer Donates Dark Mofo Fee To WA <b>Aboriginal</b> Cause

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 1:18am
Their knowledge and stewardship of their homelands is one of Australia's most precious living assets." The New York based artist cited the community ...

Pipeline of Indigenous Talent Leads to Social Enterprise Success

Wed, 2015/06/17 - 12:11am
Western Sydney has the largest percentage of Aboriginal youth unemployment in Australia, while nationally, the unemployment rate for the Aboriginal ...

Indigenous Liasion Officer to Visit New Zealand

Tue, 2015/06/16 - 9:33pm
He will take part in a series of talks and speak on the subject of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander service in the First World War and ...

<b>Australia&#39;s</b> most shameful statistics

Tue, 2015/06/16 - 2:37pm
What can we do about Australia's most shameful statistics? ... If we listen, and truly hear what Aboriginal people are telling us, then surely the next step ...
