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Indigenous constitutional recognition: PM listening to <b>Aboriginal</b> representatives

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 10:52pm
A group of hand-picked Aboriginal representatives are gathering at Kirribili ... and to protect all Australians from those wrongs ever happening again.”.

NAIDOC Week celebrates learning and respect

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 10:18pm
... to learn about Australia's indigenous history and culture. Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Curtis Pitt said ...

Make an effort to learn <b>Aboriginal</b> culture this NAIDOC Week

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 10:18pm
THIS NAIDOC Week Queenslanders are being encouraged to make a real effort to learn about Australia's indigenous history and culture. Treasurer ...

NT mandatory alcohol rehabilitation has &#39;little evidence&#39; to justify it – health experts

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 9:19pm
The article cites an Australian National Council on Drugs report which ... “In the Northern Territory the Aboriginal prison population is huge, and it runs ...

Most Aussies want Indigenous recognition

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 8:35pm
A new poll shows 85 per cent of Australians back recognising indigenous ... Opposition leader Bill Shorten says Australians are big enough and ... out a form of words for a referendum on Aboriginal recognition in the constitution.

Indigenous referendum: Tony Abbott to be told racism is a &#39;cancer&#39; in the constitution that needs to <b>...</b>

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 8:26pm
There is no mention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the constitution, and no recognition they were the first Australians. Today Prime ...

How mandatory treatment for public drunkenness is failing <b>Aboriginal</b> people

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 8:26pm
Residents of the Northern Territory consistently drink more than the average Australian. Alcohol consumption for each person is about 50% higher ...

Indigenous people leading in reconciliation recognised

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 7:07pm
NAIDOC, which stands for National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Day Observance Committee, is an Australia-wide movement to reflect on ...

Leaders to meet on indigenous recognition

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 5:26pm
Opposition leader Bill Shorten says Australians are big enough and ... a form of words for a referendum on Aboriginal recognition in the constitution.

Leaders to meet on indigenous recogniton

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 5:26pm
Opposition leader Bill Shorten says Australians are big enough and ... out a form of words for a referendum on Aboriginal recognition in the constitution. ... The National Congress of Australia's First Peoples on Sunday told the ABC it ...

Death of a coach treated with poise

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 3:45pm
Noel Pearson believes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders should have been ... How many drug-related deaths in Australia in the past 12 months?

Recognition talks might stumble at race

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 2:24pm
Mr Shorten said it was time to correct the great silence of the Australian ... "But until we include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our ...

Fairfax-Ipsos poll: 85pc of voters back indigenous recognition

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 2:15pm
He told Sky News that while many aboriginal people wanted to see such a ... However, the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples says it will ...

Racial protection essential

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 2:03pm
With other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from around the ... The choice of venue, the Museum of Sydney, the site of Australia's first ...

The campaign for indigenous change is far from over

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 2:03pm
Consensus is demanded of the Aboriginal community but many are asking: if symbolism ... “I believe it's to appease the conscience of White Australia.

Megan Cope&#39;s &#39;Blaktism&#39; video wins top indigenous art award

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 2:03pm
Australia's richest indigenous art prize, established in 2008, is awarded ... The Blaktism emerged after Cope, a member of the urban Aboriginal art ...

Doctors: Mandatory alcohol rehab laws are discriminating against indigenous <b>Australians</b>

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 1:52pm
And they say the Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Act 2013 is discriminatory against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, isn't cost effective and only ...

Tony Abbott calls for leaders to agree on &#39;achievable&#39; Indigenous recognition

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 1:52pm
... on Monday to discuss Indigenous recognition in Australia's constitution. ... Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants of Australia in ...

Record support for Indigenous recognition ahead of summit

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 9:11am
Support for recognising Indigenous Australians in the constitution has ... of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants of Australia in ...

Megan Cope Wins 2015 Western <b>Australian</b> Indigenous Art Award

Sun, 2015/07/05 - 6:33am
Megan Cope Wins 2015 Western Australian Indigenous Art Award ... by the artist's experience, as a “fair-skinned” Aboriginal woman, of obtaining her ...
