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From CEO of Cowboys NRL club to new womens' fashion label | Rockhampton Morning Bulletin

Fri, 2015/07/17 - 3:11am
... Mainie represents a special melding of ancient cultures; Aboriginal Dreamtime designs from the Yuendumu community in central Australia's Tanami ...

A word in your ear: Indigenous languages - ABC Brisbane - <b>Australian</b> Broadcasting Corporation

Fri, 2015/07/17 - 1:07am
Des Crump from the State Library of Queensland told Professor Roly Sussex that the majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages are ...

<b>Aboriginal</b> Art has colour, vitality, texture — and has become an inspiration for designers and <b>...</b>

Fri, 2015/07/17 - 12:00am
It is like looking at a vibrant map of Australia, from boulders to water sources, mountains to the sea. It's deeply spiritual, conveying Aboriginals' ...

Hōkūle&#39;a: Lessons of Stewardship and Sustainability from Indigenous Rangers in <b>Australia</b>

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 10:31pm
These rangers are Aboriginal Australians, or traditional landowners of Archer Point and are thus committed to the stewardship of their land and sea, ...

Surviving the wilderness in &#39;Charlie&#39;s Country&#39;

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 7:41pm
Australia offers few sights as sublime as that of David Gulpilil. From the wordless aboriginal youth who led children out of the wilderness back to ...

Northern Territory syphilis outbreak is about medical neglect, not child abuse

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 7:30pm
The recent syphilis outbreak in Central Australia highlights the urgent need for investment in sexual health services for young Aboriginal Australians ...

International artists to help locals expand overseas during <b>Aboriginal</b> Music Week 2015

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 6:33pm
Winnipeg, MB – With the help of the Canada Council for the Arts, Aboriginal ... In recent years he has performed at some of the Australia's best-loved ...

Documentary filmmakers present a slice of contemporary issues of <b>Australia</b>

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 1:52pm
"For anyone interested in human history, the unique story of Aboriginal Australia will be of abiding interest. Central to the series is the way that modern ...

Kununurra leaders keen to trial healthy welfare card

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 12:38pm
Aboriginal leaders in Kununurra, in Western Australia's Kimberley region, are keen to trial a debit card for welfare recipients that bans the purchase of ...

Paul Bong&#39;s shields: an expression of love for the past

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 8:36am
They show the frontier, its past and present — all that colonial Australia has seen, and looked away from, all it once consigned to oblivion and now ...

Thanks for helping to make some #JustJustice – wrapping up the crowdfunding campaign | Croakey

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 7:07am
I want to be part of an Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and families are safer and stronger. I want to change the ...

&#39;Interventionist&#39; welfare card that bans purchase of alcohol gains backing of Kununurra <b>Aboriginal</b> <b>...</b>

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 6:45am
Aboriginal leaders in far-north Western Australia have been meeting to consider the proposal and already the town of Kununurra has expressed ...

<b>Aboriginal</b> artists commissioned for first Barangaroo public artwork - Sydney Morning Herald

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 6:33am
Bidjigal shell artist and elder Esme Timbery and Aboriginal artist Jonathan Jones' winning design. Photo: Supplied .... Australia's Favourite Dating Site.

Shenhua mine to cut through sacred site - Sky News

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 6:24am
Aboriginal elders on the NSW Liverpool Plains say the controversial ... to get a fair go in Australia in regards to our Aboriginal culture and heritage,' ...

Our Indigenous country is waiting for you, Tourism <b>Australia</b>

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 5:03am
Tourism Australia's $250,000 “Aboriginal Australia: Our country is waiting for you” campaign is therefore a no-brainer. However, without the proper ...

Cab cloaked in rich culture | The Border Mail

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 4:18am
WRAPPED: Wodonga Tafe Aboriginal liason officer Tammy Campbell and ... with the indigenous community and the Driver Education Centre of Australia to ... “It highlights the wonderful culture and the important role the Aboriginal ...

&#39;Charlie&#39;s Country&#39; has an authentic feel thanks to its star

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 4:07am
The Australian actor David Gulpilil made his screen debut in director Nicolas Roeg's masterful “Walkabout” (1971.) He played the Aboriginal teen who ...

From the red dirt of Titjikala rises a legacy built on trust and respect | <b>Australia</b> news | The Guardian

Thu, 2015/07/16 - 12:45am
In early June, the population of Titjikala, also known as Tapatjatjaka by locals, nearly doubled when 170 members of the Army Aboriginal community ...

Visiting <b>Australia&#39;s aboriginal</b> crocodile hunters

Wed, 2015/07/15 - 3:00pm
Australia's aborigines are the custodians of the longest unbroken cultural tradition on earth, having migrated Down Under from Africa via Asia between ...

No Boundaries

Wed, 2015/07/15 - 2:03pm
Around 1971, acrylic “dot paintings” arose in central Australia as a style used to transmit knowledge to non-Aboriginal people. The ancient Aboriginal ...
