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Thousands gather in Melbourne's CBD to protest against proposed WA remote communities closure

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 8:13am
... to protest against the proposed closure of up to 150 remote communities in Western Australia. ... The march was organised by the Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance "in solidarity with Aboriginal communities facing closure" in WA.

<b>Aboriginal</b> Servicemen who fought in World War I

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:45am
Aboriginal people were not considered citizens of Australia, but “wards” of the state Protector of Aborigines. They had low wages if any, were forced to ...

Global <b>Aboriginal</b> rights protests

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:45am
Thousands of Aboriginal rights campaigners demonstrated their opposition across Australia today over the Western Australian Government's plans to ...

Indigenous protest in Melbourne&#39;s CBD

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:45am
Organisers of a protest at peak hour in the heart of Melbourne about the closure of 150 West Australian aboriginal communities say it is about ...

Protesters will &#39;shut down&#39; Melbourne

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:23am
... close 150 remote Aboriginal communities. The protest is the latest in a series that have been held after the West Australian government announced ...

Change the Record campaign to help youth choose a positive path

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:22am
Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in prison rose by 88 per cent between 2004 ...

Our anger at executions should extend to deeper outrages

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:11am
*Aboriginal Australians are 2.6 times more likely to die prematurely than non-Indigenous Australians (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare).

Rally against closure of <b>aboriginal</b> communities held in Wellington

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:00am
Metiria Turei says, “The important thing for New Zealanders is to make it clear to the Australian government that we don't consider it acceptable, ...

Rally against closure of <b>aboriginal</b> communities held in Wellington

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:00am
A rally over the closure of Aboriginal communities was held outside of ... Māori Party Co-leader Marama Fox was in Melbourne, Australia, taking part in ...

Protests at proposed closure of remote Indigenous communities - live

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 6:00am
“It is routine in the Australian colonial state for the government to degrade, discriminate against and disrespect aboriginal people in an ongoing ...

Numerous rallies around the world in support of <b>Aboriginal</b> comminities

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 5:48am
Multiple rallies across the globe were held to raise awareness of the forced closures of Aboriginal communities in Australia, supporters in New ...

Te Ururoa Flavell, leader of the Maori Party

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 5:03am
The Maori Party is walking a tight rope by joining the protests against the forced closure of some Aboriginal communities by the West Australian ...

Wollongong stages rally against forced closures of <b>Aboriginal</b> communities

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 4:41am
Hundreds of people have gathered in Wollongong to lobby against the proposed closures of remote Aboriginal communities in Western Australia.

Poverty, disadvantage &#39;key triggers&#39; for Indigenous offenders

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 4:07am
... in Australia and it's only getting worse. The Human Rights Law Centre has joined with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups to come up with a ...

New Zealanders march against <b>Australian</b> Government plans to close <b>Aboriginal</b> communities

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 4:07am
More than 1000 protesters have marched through major cities in New Zealand to rally against the planned closure of remote Aboriginal communities ...

Northern Territory elders fear impact of funding cuts to remote communities

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 3:56am
Aboriginal children The NT chief minister, Adam Giles, has said that his government would not follow in the footsteps of Western Australia. Photograph: ...

Solidarity for <b>Australia&#39;s</b> First Nations

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 3:56am
The Network's spokesman Martin Stewart says today's protest was to show solidarity with the Aboriginal communities in Western Australia.

Prince Charles Opens <b>Australian Aboriginal</b> Museum Exhibit

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 3:56am
Prince Charles Opens Australian Aboriginal Museum Exhibit ... (April 30) opened a London exhibition dedicated to the arts and crafts of aboriginal .

Protesters march through Perth

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 3:33am
Protesters marched through Perth as rallies were held across Australia. ... traditional owners, elders and members of the Aboriginal community”.

Darwin&#39;s controversial youth prison &#39;cleansed&#39; of suicidal spirits with Indigenous smoking ceremony

Fri, 2015/05/01 - 3:00am
The Northern Territory has the highest rate of youth incarceration in Australia, with three-quarters of those detained on remand, meaning they are ...
