
Mainstream Media (Keywords: Aboriginal, Australia)

Jobs key to indigenous population living longer, healthier lives - Clarence Valley Daily Examiner

Wed, 2016/06/08 - 7:15pm

Clarence Valley Daily Examiner

Jobs key to indigenous population living longer, healthier lives
Clarence Valley Daily Examiner
Aboriginal people make up 7% of the Clarence Valley's population compared to 1.7% of Brisbane's population and 3.3% of all Australians. Australia's national labour force participation rate - that is the number of people working or looking for work ...
Federal election 2016: peak group demands indigenous treatyThe Australian
Unions weigh into retirement debateThe Advertiser

all 3 news articles »

Federal election 2016: peak group demands indigenous treaty - The Australian

Wed, 2016/06/08 - 2:01pm

The Australian

Federal election 2016: peak group demands indigenous treaty
The Australian
They will express “deep concern” that indigenous Australians continue to experience unacceptable disadvantage, are isolated to the margins of the national debate and suffer because of policies that “continue to be made for and to, rather than with ...
Election 2016: Indigenous divide growing says Labor as parties make pitches to Cairns Aboriginal leadersABC Message Stick
We deserve better, say Aboriginal
Indigenous education: Government programs have done nothing to improve situationThe Australian Financial Review
all 9 news articles »

Vandals Destroyed 8000-Year-Old Aboriginal Artworks in Tasmania - Smithsonian

Wed, 2016/06/08 - 1:04pm


Vandals Destroyed 8000-Year-Old Aboriginal Artworks in Tasmania
For millennia, Tasmania's Nirmena Nala rock shelter has preserved a set of stenciled handprints made by the ancestors of Australia's Aboriginal people. The delicate ocher handprints have withstood the test of time for thousands of years, yet they ...

New study proves Aboriginal people were first Australians - The Sunshine Coast Daily

Tue, 2016/06/07 - 11:09pm

The Sunshine Coast Daily

New study proves Aboriginal people were first Australians
The Sunshine Coast Daily
SCIENTISTS have confirmed Australia's first inhabitants were Aboriginal. Their evidence disproves an earlier study that claimed DNA showed Europeans were Australia's first inhabitants. Griffith University researchers used new DNA sequencing to re ...

New study proves Aboriginal people were first Australians - The Queensland Times

Tue, 2016/06/07 - 11:07pm

New study proves Aboriginal people were first Australians
The Queensland Times
SCIENTISTS have confirmed Australia's first inhabitants were Aboriginal. Their evidence disproves an earlier study that claimed DNA showed Europeans were Australia's first inhabitants. Griffith University researchers used new DNA sequencing to re ...

Aboriginal Australians were in fact the original inhabitants of Australia contrary to the assumptions made in a 2001 ... - The Marshalltown

Tue, 2016/06/07 - 3:47pm

Aboriginal Australians were in fact the original inhabitants of Australia contrary to the assumptions made in a 2001 ...
The Marshalltown
In a latest Australian-led study, professor David Lambert from Griffith University and his colleagues used new DNA sequencing methods to look at ancient bones at Lake Mungo. They confirmed that Aboriginal Australians were the continent's first people.

Rural Victoria offers a peek into Aboriginal Australian history - Weekly Times Now

Tue, 2016/06/07 - 2:09pm

Weekly Times Now

Rural Victoria offers a peek into Aboriginal Australian history
Weekly Times Now
The Bangerang Cultural Centre, originally the Shepparton Arts Council, is the first Aboriginal cultural “keeping place or museum” to be developed and managed by the Aboriginal community in Australia. The centre houses an important collection of ...

Call for action against 'charlatans' targeting Aboriginal communities - ABC Online

Tue, 2016/06/07 - 7:13am

ABC Online

Call for action against 'charlatans' targeting Aboriginal communities
ABC Online
Aboriginal leaders are calling for a crackdown on "charlatans" who for decades have preyed on Aboriginal communities and misappropriated enormous amounts of money meant for the nation's poorest people.

Move over Mungo Man, DNA evidence now shows Aboriginal people were first here - Business Insider Australia

Tue, 2016/06/07 - 5:17am

Business Insider Australia

Move over Mungo Man, DNA evidence now shows Aboriginal people were first here
Business Insider Australia
DNA testing has shown Aboriginal people were the first to inhabit Australia and not “Mungo Man” as previously thought. The research, reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, disputes earlier work that claimed the oldest ...
Mystery over first Australians
New DNA technology confirms Aboriginal people as first AustraliansABC Online
New DNA sequencing has proven Aboriginal people really were the first to inhabit Australia.Australian Geographic
SBS -Daily Mail -Australia Network News
all 10 news articles »

Mystery over first Australians solved -

Tue, 2016/06/07 - 4:00am

Mystery over first Australians solved
Scientists from Griffith University's Research Centre for Human Evolution (RCHE) have found evidence that demonstrates Aboriginal people were indeed the first to inhabit the continent, disputing an earlier landmark study that claimed to recover DNA ...
Move over Mungo Man, DNA evidence now shows Aboriginal people were first hereBusiness Insider Australia
New DNA technology confirms Aboriginal people as first AustraliansABC Online
New DNA sequencing has proven Aboriginal people really were the first to inhabit Australia.Australian Geographic
SBS -Tech Times
all 21 news articles »

Research proves Aboriginal Australians were first inhabitants - HeritageDaily

Mon, 2016/06/06 - 7:12pm


Research proves Aboriginal Australians were first inhabitants
Griffith University researchers have found evidence that demonstrates Aboriginal people were the first to inhabit Australia, as reported in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal this week. The work refutes an earlier ...

and more »

New DNA technology confirms Aboriginal people as first Australians - ABC Online

Mon, 2016/06/06 - 7:08pm

ABC Online

New DNA technology confirms Aboriginal people as first Australians
ABC Online
Researchers say the findings overturn a 2001 paper that argued the oldest known Australian human remains found near Lake Mungo in New South Wales were from an extinct lineage of modern humans that occupied the continent before Aboriginal ...
Conflicting theories of Mungo Man debunked: Research proves Aboriginal Australians were first inhabitantsPhys.Org
The first Australians WERE Aborigines: 'Mungo Man' DNA contradicts claims unknown race preceded indigenous peopleDaily Mail

all 4 news articles »

Indigenous organisations investigated amid allegations of fraud and corruption by senior figures - ABC Online

Sun, 2016/06/05 - 7:03pm

ABC Online

Indigenous organisations investigated amid allegations of fraud and corruption by senior figures
ABC Online
Ms Beacroft said the separate corporate regime for Aboriginal Australia was vital because it provided both the flexibility to deal with the nuances of Indigenous cultures across the country, but also sharp powers to crack down on unscrupulous operators.

Indigenous Australians are still dying 20 years younger - Independent Australia

Sat, 2016/06/04 - 11:37pm

Independent Australia

Indigenous Australians are still dying 20 years younger
Independent Australia
Reports indicating that the life-expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is narrowing, are hopeful at best and do little to effect change, says Gerry Georgatos. THE LIFE EXPECTANCY gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait ...
It's not all black and white in achieving equalityFraser Coast Chronicle

all 2 news articles »

DNA Study: Australian Aboriginal Gene Pool Has Remained Virtually Untouched for 50000 Years - Atlanta Black Star

Sat, 2016/06/04 - 2:10pm

Atlanta Black Star

DNA Study: Australian Aboriginal Gene Pool Has Remained Virtually Untouched for 50000 Years
Atlanta Black Star
Anthropologists have long suspected that modern day Australian Aborigines descend from one of the first waves of migrants out of Africa. The prehistoric humans reached the Pacific continent some 50,000 years ago and were left relatively isolated until ...

Aboriginal Superhero Makes Australian TV Debut - Voice of America

Sat, 2016/06/04 - 1:52pm

Voice of America

Aboriginal Superhero Makes Australian TV Debut
Voice of America
Australia has its first Indigenous superhero. Cleverman, a fantasy drama that has had its premiere on Australian television, blends Aboriginal mythology with modern superhuman style and cutting political commentary on racism and identity. It is set in ...

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School closed in remote Australian indigenous community - World Socialist Web Site

Sat, 2016/06/04 - 6:18am

School closed in remote Australian indigenous community
World Socialist Web Site
Queensland's state Labor government last month withdrew teachers and shut down the only school in the remote Aboriginal township of Aurukun, blaming violence by local youth, while boosting the number of police in the town from five to 21. It was the ...

and more »

Aboriginal people vow to stop nuclear waste dumps - Green Left Weekly

Fri, 2016/06/03 - 4:09am

Green Left Weekly

Aboriginal people vow to stop nuclear waste dumps
Green Left Weekly
In the plans of governments in Adelaide and Canberra, South Australia is to become the country's “nuclear waste dump state”. Most South Australians remain sceptical. And among the state's Aboriginal population — on whose ancestral lands the dumps ...

Aboriginal sacred site up to 8000 years old destroyed by 'cultural vandals' - The Guardian

Fri, 2016/06/03 - 3:42am

The Guardian

Aboriginal sacred site up to 8000 years old destroyed by 'cultural vandals'
The Guardian
Two ochre stencils on a cave wall in the upper reaches of the Derwent valley were found destroyed by members of Tasmania's Aboriginal community on the eve of Sorry Day, which marks the anniversary of the Bringing them Home report into the stolen ...

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