
Mainstream Media (Keywords: Aboriginal, Australia)

The fight to rid indigenous communities of drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault - Daily Telegraph

Fri, 2018/06/22 - 12:03pm

Daily Telegraph

The fight to rid indigenous communities of drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault
Daily Telegraph
In Halls Creek, in Western Australia's Kimberly, a 16 year old has been charged with the alleged sexual assault of a four-year-old boy. Last year in the Northern Territory, 149 sexual offence cases involving children under the age of 16 came to the ...

and more »

Chinese and Indigenous Australians share a long, 'untold history' that's been captured through art - ABC Local

Fri, 2018/06/22 - 7:00am
Chinese and Indigenous Australians share a long, 'untold history' that's been captured through art  ABC Local

This year marks 200 years since the first Chinese migrant arrived in Australia back in 1818, yet the historical connections between Chinese and Indigenous ...

Chinese and Indigenous Australians share a long, 'untold history' that's been captured through art - ABC Local

Fri, 2018/06/22 - 7:00am
Chinese and Indigenous Australians share a long, 'untold history' that's been captured through art  ABC Local

This year marks 200 years since the first Chinese migrant arrived in Australia back in 1818, yet the historical connections between Chinese and Indigenous ...

Chinese and Indigenous Australians share a long, 'untold history' that's been captured through art - ABC News

Fri, 2018/06/22 - 7:00am
Chinese and Indigenous Australians share a long, 'untold history' that's been captured through art  ABC News

This year marks 200 years since the first Chinese migrant arrived in Australia back in 1818, yet the historical connections between Chinese and Indigenous ...

Youngest of three girls who followed the rabbit-proof fence - The Sydney Morning Herald

Fri, 2018/06/22 - 3:09am

The Sydney Morning Herald

Youngest of three girls who followed the rabbit-proof fence
The Sydney Morning Herald
In the Martu Native Title Determination Justice French said the following: “They remain one of the most strongly tradition-oriented groups of Aboriginal people in Australia today partly because of the protection their physical environment gives them ...

Australian Government invests in digital labelling to combat fake Aboriginal art - Australasian Leisure Management (press release)

Fri, 2018/06/22 - 2:57am

Australasian Leisure Management (press release)

Australian Government invests in digital labelling to combat fake Aboriginal art
Australasian Leisure Management (press release)
The Australian Government has this week confirmed that it will commit $150,000 to a pilot program to test digital codes to label authentic Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander products. The move is the latest step in the fight against inauthentic ...

Call to restore bilingual education to APY schools - InDaily

Fri, 2018/06/22 - 2:37am


Call to restore bilingual education to APY schools
University of South Australia Dean of Aboriginal Engagement Professor Peter Buckskin said Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the APY Lands would respond better to the school curriculums if it was taught in students' first language ...

Victoria passes historic law to create Indigenous treaty framework - The Guardian

Thu, 2018/06/21 - 8:38pm

The Guardian

Victoria passes historic law to create Indigenous treaty framework
The Guardian
It is the first time legislation stating a formal intent to negotiate a treaty or treaties with Aboriginal people has ever been adopted by an Australian parliament, and comes as a federal parliamentary committee conducts hearings to examine national ...
Victoria passes Australia's first Treaty billThe Australian
Victoria passes Aboriginal treaty billThe Age
Victoria Aboriginal treaty legislation passed: State to enter into formal

all 15 news articles »

Indigenous group hid more than $2m in payments from Adani mining giant - The Guardian

Thu, 2018/06/21 - 6:00pm

The Guardian

Indigenous group hid more than $2m in payments from Adani mining giant
The Guardian
Guardian Australia has obtained court documents that show the Kyburra Munda Yalga Aboriginal Corporation did not account for payments by Adani, then paid its own directors up to $1,000 a day cash-in-hand to conduct now-invalidated cultural heritage ...

Review: The Sydney Wars by Stephen Gapps, The Quiet Invasion by Tim Ailwood - The Sydney Morning Herald

Thu, 2018/06/21 - 2:15pm

The Sydney Morning Herald

Review: The Sydney Wars by Stephen Gapps, The Quiet Invasion by Tim Ailwood
The Sydney Morning Herald
In this, both are fresh instances of a significant shift in recent years in approaches to Australian history. Their founding premise is a respect for Aboriginal land ownership, cultural autonomy, sophistication and agency. They tell neither insular ...

Victoria passes Australia's first Treaty bill - The Australian

Thu, 2018/06/21 - 12:04pm

Victoria passes Australia's first Treaty bill
The Australian
Victoria has passed Australia's first treaty bill, setting up a path so the government can one day ratify agreements with Aboriginal people. The Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Bill 2018 passed the Legislative Council tonight ...

Victoria passes Aboriginal treaty bill -

Thu, 2018/06/21 - 11:55am

Victoria passes Aboriginal treaty bill
Victoria has passed Australia's first treaty bill, setting up a path so the government can one day ratify agreements with Aboriginal people. The Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Bill 2018 passed the Legislative Council on ...

Socceroos Need More Indigenous Talent - IndigenousX (press release) (blog)

Thu, 2018/06/21 - 7:51am

IndigenousX (press release) (blog)

Socceroos Need More Indigenous Talent
IndigenousX (press release) (blog)
However, like Australian cricket, soccer has long had an under representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players at the elite levels. (For the purposes of this article I'll be referring to the men's game, there will be another piece in ...

Victoria passes historic law to create Indigenous treaty framework - The Guardian

Thu, 2018/06/21 - 7:00am
Victoria passes historic law to create Indigenous treaty framework  The Guardian

It is the first ever Australian legislation stating intent to negotiate a treaty.

Aboriginal redress laws amount to 'prejudiced exclusion' against communities, legal groups say - ABC News

Wed, 2018/06/20 - 10:31pm

ABC News

Aboriginal redress laws amount to 'prejudiced exclusion' against communities, legal groups say
ABC News
... said Aboriginal legal services (ALSs) across the country have been denied funding to provide survivors with legal support to access redress. "It's a huge gap in service delivery," he said. "For example, in the Northern Territory and the north-west ...

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Clan violence, incarceration rates drop in remote Aboriginal town due to love for AFL - ABC News

Wed, 2018/06/20 - 9:17pm

ABC News

Clan violence, incarceration rates drop in remote Aboriginal town due to love for AFL
ABC News
Clan violence, incarceration rates drop in remote Aboriginal town due to love for AFL ... Mark Kurungaiyi lives in the remote Aboriginal Top End community of Wadeye and for the last year, footy has been more than just his hobby — it has also been his job.

APY Lands to star in Switzerland gallery dedicated to Indigenous Australian art - ABC News

Wed, 2018/06/20 - 8:46pm

ABC News

APY Lands to star in Switzerland gallery dedicated to Indigenous Australian art
ABC News
The work of Aboriginal artists from South Australia's APY Lands will feature prominently when Europe's first gallery dedicated to Indigenous Australian art opens next year. More than 30 female Aboriginal artists from every community in the APY Lands ...

Melbourne's white founder (so called) gets replaced by a black hero - Eternity News

Wed, 2018/06/20 - 1:25pm

Israellycool (blog)

Melbourne's white founder (so called) gets replaced by a black hero
Eternity News
It didn't happen in France or Britain or even America. It happened right here in Australia. And it was Aboriginal Australians who weren't even citizens of their own country. They were led by a 78-year-old man from Bangerang country, named William Cooper.
Melbourne Electorate Renamed after Indigenous Champion of the JewsIsraellycool (blog)

all 4 news articles »

Filtering out heavy metals years away, despite high uranium detected in water - ABC News

Wed, 2018/06/20 - 10:45am

ABC News

Filtering out heavy metals years away, despite high uranium detected in water
ABC News
The response came as the Australian Medical Association urged the water supplies be fixed, with Aboriginal health organisations describing the situation as "unacceptable". On Tuesday, ABC's 7.30 revealed the central desert communities of Laramba ...

Deadly Questions billboards pulled by agency over fears of 'racial vilification' - The Guardian

Wed, 2018/06/20 - 7:53am

The Guardian

Deadly Questions billboards pulled by agency over fears of 'racial vilification'
The Guardian
Billboards from a Victorian government campaign that aims to encourage conversations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people have been pulled because the Outdoor Media Association said they were potentially in breach of rules against racial ...
Ooh!Media rescues controversial Deadly Questions billboard shunned by APNAdNews
Indigenous Campaign Deemed Too Controversial By APN Media To RunB&T
Aboriginal Victoria's Deadly Questions ads blocked by APN OutdoorMuMbrella

all 31 news articles »
