Sue Lee from 3CR's 'Wednesday Hometime' interviews Michael Anderson - Here we have Michael explaining his investigating trip to England and his findings after viewing 'The Pacific Islanders Protetection Act 1975', and his talks with constitunional lawyers regarding the legiminacy of the explicit findings. #AustraliaPacificIslandersProtectionActAboriginalSovereighty
In this Podcast Michael Anderson explains 'Aboriginal Sovereignty' at the National Univerity in Canberra in January 2012. He explains the 'Doctrine of Discovery' and other related documents. He outlines what they mean in relation to Aboriginal sovereign rights. #AustraliaSovereigntyAboriginalDoctrineOfDiscovery
ABC 612 Brisbane's Breakfast program coverage of events at Musgrave Park, where police have arrived and were about to evict the Aboriginal Tent Embassy ahead of Paniyiri Greek Festival - Wayne Wharton was interviewed. - ABC 612 Brisbane 15/05/12 #AustraliaBrisbaneTentEmbassyAboriginalSovereign
Portland Sovereign Embassy is visited by reporter Margaret Burin after 100 days of standing strong on country. Sandra Onus explains Originals customs and tradition meanings relating to the land and that cultural tradition dictates that Aboriginal people need control over their Clan areas. - ABC Ballarat #AustraliaAboriginalSovereignTentEmbassyVictoria
Dr Gondarra talks about the racist and dis-empowing intervention the day after the bill was passed by government - No 2
Explained by Michael Anderson in February, 2012 #AboriginalAustraliaSovereignty