
Documents and Papers

Formal Complaint against Referendum Council Dialogue processes & National Convention at Uluru

Sovereignty Never Ceded

A formal complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman about the serious breaches of process that have occurred and are currently occurring by the Referendum Council, which has been formed under the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Maureen E. Davis, Marbk and Ghillar, Michael Anderson include several articles that explain the inconsistencies and deviations from the Referendum Council's stated processes. They call for an immediate investigation of the matters raised and also call for the formal suspension and termination of the activities of the Referendum Council. [node:read-more:link]

Canberra: Referendum Council extends its propaganda meetings

Canberra: Referendum Council extends its propaganda meetings

The Referendum Council has been having invitation-only dialogue meetings with Aboriginal people across Australia which we called 'secret meetings' because only selected First Nations people were allowed to attend and many Tribes and Nations were not represented.  Now we find that there is an additional 'Invitation-Only' meeting in Canberra. First Nations people who have been seeking a voice for the 'NO' vote have discovered this meeting in Canberra on Wednesday 10 May 2017, because as it was poorly advertised many people do not know about it, so are unable to attend. [node:read-more:link]

Wrong legal advice by Professors on Referendum and Sovereignty

Anderson: Wrong legal advice by Professors on Referendum and Sovereignty

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, stresses that to ban First Nations people from attending Referendum Council Dialogue meetings cannot be construed as true deliberative democracy, with their denied right to be fully informed and to contribute their point of view in a process that will affect our children's children inheritance and sovereign status.
Ghillar provides a video critique of legal advice regarding the impact of the referendum on First Nations sovereignty, from Professors Megan Davis and George Williams ... [node:read-more:link]

Sovereign Union Submission to Senate on NTA (ILUA) Amendment

Attorney-General, Senator George Brandis

Sovereign Union's brief submission to the 'Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee', which was written in much haste, as the notice impending was extremely limited and many First Nations groups would have not only be unaware of the proposed changes, many others who were probably informed would not have had the resources to provide a written presentation, whilst others who use oral communication in their own language as their principal communication method completely obliterated from any form of action on something highly significant on matters relating to their country and culture. [node:read-more:link]

SU Request for Governor-General to accept a 'Declaration' and 'Proclamation' 26 January

Government House

In a letter forwarded to the Governor-general Ghillar, Michael Anderson, urged the Governor-general to be cognisant of Australia's illegal status as a Nation State.
Ghillar stated: "The fraud that us being perpetrated against First Nations Peoples continues unabated and it is now time for all the colonial authorities to understand and accept their limitations. They must now stop continually imposing their illegitimate notions upon us. These impositions continue to try and steal our patrimony which we have, and never will give up ... [node:read-more:link]

An historic handful of dirt: Whitlam and the legacy of the Wave Hill Walk-Off

Wave Hill 2016

Fifty years ago , on the morning of August 23, 1966, Vincent Lingiari led a walk-off of 200 Gurindji, Mudburra and Warlpiri workers and their families from a remote Northern Territory cattle station, escaping a century of servitude . The families rejected the pleas of their British multinational employer Vestey’s to return to the Wave Hill station, re-occupied an area of their own land at Wattie Creek, and fought until the nation’s leaders heeded their cause. Nine years later, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam symbolically returned the Gurindji’s country with a handful of red dirt. [node:read-more:link]

Dare to be wise: Decolonisation underpins the Sovereign Treaties processes

Copy of Sovereign Union Letter (and document) delivered to the United Nations in New York to the Secretary General of the United Nations by Ghillar, Michael Anderson on 16 June 2016. The summary of the 40 page attached document named 'Dare to be wise: Decolonisation underpins the Sovereign Treaties processes in contrast to 'Recognise' which fosters assimilation' is included here along with a link to a pdf copy of the entire document. [node:read-more:link]

Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) trick First Peoples into surrendering their homelands forever

ILUA trick to surrender the homelands forever

Our people are surrendering their homelands forever with Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs) without understanding they are whitewashing their own history, under the invaders' law. This surrendering trick takes effect before the deed of grant of land is issued to the shires of the whole area. In this way compensation is also avoided. This article provides a background to some of the illegal and fraudulent acts carried out preceding Native Title and how the Native Title Act 1993 was amended in 1998 to create 'bucket loads of extinguishment' of inherent rights. [node:read-more:link]


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