

No treaty or contract is valid if the parties are at war

Rules of Treaty and War

Under international law and domestic contractual law - no treaty or contract can be classified as legal if we are under the 'rules and disciplines of war'. If our First Nations Peoples are not fully aware of these facts, then any contract entered into, treaty or otherwise, can be argued to be invalid. It is imperative that we as First Nations People know all the wrongdoings, so as to ensure that we have a clear understanding of our legal rights now and going forward. We will be making the call, not the colonists. Our rights, our future - never forget it. [node:read-more:link]

The corrosion of truth: Our politics is a dreadful black comedy

Richard Flanagan

Tasmanian writer Richard Flanagan spoke to the National Press Club about the lack of leadership by politicians in Canberra, The Tasmanian war of extermination and the Wars and Massacres throughout the entire country and the denial of the important Australian History, saying that 'Freedom means Australia facing up to the truth of its past'.
On this page we provide a video an 8 minute excerpt specifically relating to the Frontier wars and massacres and also a video of the complete presentation and its transcript. [node:read-more:link]

Time to fully import law against genocide - Stolen Children crisis

The Family Matters Report 2017

Need to delete sections 268.121 – 268.122 of the law against genocide in International Criminal Court Consequential Amendments Act 2002. The release on 29 November of The Family Matters Report 2017 details the 'escalating national crisis’ of the rate of removal of First Nations children from families. From our perspective the core issue is being left out of the debate. Removal of children from the group is one of the five definitions of genocide. The alarming rate of the removal of First Nations children 'from the group’ is only possible because the Commonwealth of Australia has not imported the full force of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. etc ... [node:read-more:link]

Perfecting Trickery: The Referendum Council

That word treaty

On his return from Uluru, Ghillar, Michael Anderson details the rigged processes of the Referendum Council's National Convention and the subsequent media: 'I was absolutely shocked and horrified at the disjointed discussion that occurred on ABC TV Q&A last night ( 29 May 2017). In my opinion the conclusions that occurred at the Referendum Council's National Convention at Yulara, Ayers Rock Resort, were totally betrayed by the Q&A panel. Having been permitted to sit as an observer in the main National Convention at Yulara near Uluru, I was privy to observe the proceedings and I sat through the 'Synthesis' of the Regional Dialogues and what they called the breakout workshops as well, where the key topics were 'The Voice', 'Treaty', 'Strategy'. [node:read-more:link]

Our First Nations 'Do Not Consent' to 'Constitutional Recognition'

The message from the grassroots is clear. We are the Sovereign Owners of Our Nations.

Our Law is the Law of the land. We oppose the lies and the hypocrisy of the Australian government's Referendum Council and their highly paid sellouts.

We are the true Sovereign owners of our land. NO CONSENT to theft, lies and government and corporate propaganda. [node:read-more:link]

Formal Complaint against Referendum Council Dialogue processes & National Convention at Uluru

Sovereignty Never Ceded

A formal complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman about the serious breaches of process that have occurred and are currently occurring by the Referendum Council, which has been formed under the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Maureen E. Davis, Marbk and Ghillar, Michael Anderson include several articles that explain the inconsistencies and deviations from the Referendum Council's stated processes. They call for an immediate investigation of the matters raised and also call for the formal suspension and termination of the activities of the Referendum Council. [node:read-more:link]

Beware of the programmed de-Aboriginalised Aboriginals

de-aboriginalising througn constitution recognition

'We do need to understand who is running the Referendum Council, which is now trying to distance itself from the failed Recognise and Reconciliation campaign for the constitutional inclusion of the words 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders'. This engine room they call the 'Referendum Council' must be urgently scrutinised. Who are these people and what are their backgrounds?' - Ghillar, Michael Anderson provides an overview of the deceit by our own people who are being led by a government with a treacherous agenda. [node:read-more:link]

Detailing the flaws and the farce of the Referendum Council's 2017 Sydney 'Dialogue'

Detailing the flaws and the farce of the Referendum Council's 2017 Sydney 'Dialogue'

The regional meetings set up by the Referendum Council have been a farce. The 'Delegates' were hand-picked and without any representative election process. Their selection didn't meet western democratic standards or First Nations' protocols. The aim of these meetings has proven to be what many expected, a total whitewash. Anyone with alternative opinions or ideas were unable to speak or even record the events. However SU Volunteers monitored the proceedings at the Sydney meeting and provide their comprehensive report here. [node:read-more:link]


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