
Native Title Act

26th January – It's illegal to celebrate Genocide

Invasion Day

Native Americans were successful in convincing one of the world's leading powers not to celebrate Columbus Day, the day that Native Americans argued began the changing of their whole world and the theft of their country ...
One thing that hurts and disappoints First Nations Peoples is the fact that the High Court of Australia in Mabo (No. 2) failed its judicial obligations, when they could not identify any form of legal land tenure that affirmed any type of superior land title authority. [node:read-more:link]

More on Gomeroi Native Title claim - Unite and Fight

Gomeroi - Unite and Fight

Ghillar Michael Anderson says that the conflict currently being experienced in regards to the Gomeroi Native Title claim, is not so much about the Native Title claim or Gomeroi pre-existing and continuing sovereignty, and may appear to be more about personality conflicts, but underneath is a very well disguised government ploy, with government objectives, to cancel out the strong Gomeroi leadership in respect of Gomeroi sovereign cultural and legal rights. He says some things need to be put into perspective.

Related Pages
 Absolute need to fight to assert our Sovereignty Ghillar, Michael Anderson 1 July 2016
 Letter about NTSCorp's disrespect of Gomeroi Phil Teitzel 13 July 2016
 NTSCORP and Gomeroi Native Title in Dot Point Ghillar, Michael Anderson 13 July 2016

Absolute need to fight to assert our Sovereignty

Fighting for Land Rights

Personally, I appeal to the Gomeroi Nation to authorise a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) and fight the governments, State and Federal, on the basis that they, in right of the Crown of England, are occupiers of our Sovereign Lands and Territories, stealing our wealth and killing our people through sheer force and the attrition of tyranny and oppression. If the Gomeroi people are going to continue to die, then let it not be by their own hands, or through depression and despair. We must die standing and fighting and not lay down and let these bastards have their own way [node:read-more:link]

SU Gathering of Nations 2015 - Canberra

The topics discussed at the Annual Sovereign Union 2015 Gathering at Old Parliament House in Canberra on the 21st and 22nd November will include:- Unilateral Declarations of Independence (UDIs); Strategies and methodologies for self governance; Problem Identification and Solutions; Identifying relevant UN resolutions and covenants; Defining sovereignty and understanding Treaties between Nations; Combating the deliberate destruction of our cultural heritage; Decolonisation; Citizenships; Sharing the information - Media and education strategies; The Con in Constitutional Recognition.  [node:read-more:link]

Anderson calls on 'Expert Indigenous Working Group' on land to take a firm stand for justice and our true and legal rights


It is very clear that the members of the Australian government are themselves desperate to hold onto power in order to maintain their dominance over First Nations people, while at the same time knowing that their time is limited, because 'Our Peoples' do realise that what was done during the colonial period and up to the modern day was done by deceit and by fraud. Their colonial courts said that we are, and were, British subjects and now Australian subjects ... if so, why are denied equal rights. [node:read-more:link]

John Howard recognised continuing Aboriginal sovereignty in his Ten Point Plan for limiting Native Title

Former PM, John Howard

With the passage of time it is now painfully obvious that former Prime Minister, John Howard, fully realised that Aboriginal peoples maintain a very powerful position in Australia, so much so, that by amending the Native Title Act in 1998 he demonstrated the inherent power of Aboriginal peoples, which stems from our continuing sovereignty.

Having now reviewed his Ten Point Plan it is important for us, as First Nations Peoples, to revisit John Howard’s amendments and what they meant.

Howard’s Ten Point Plan promised ‘bucket loads’ of extinguishment of Native Title after the Wik decision, in which the High Court found that Native Title continued to exist on pastoral leases in Queensland. This sent the Howard government into a fervent need to create ‘certainty’ for the non-Aboriginal landholders, driven by the fear in existing landholders of our continuing connection to Country.

The plan to undermine the Land Rights Act

The remaining framework and security of Aboriginal land, protected by the Land Rights Act, is in danger of being dropped into a big hole by Governments, bureaucracies and people who have no real understanding or sympathy for traditional communal land ownership.

'99-year town leases turn traditional ownership upside down', writes Ian Viner AO QC in a paper distributed the Northern Land Council on the history of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act and where we are at today. [node:read-more:link]

John Howard recognised continuing Aboriginal sovereignty in his Ten Point Plan for limiting Native Title

Former PM, John Howard

With the passage of time it is now painfully obvious that former Prime Minister, John Howard, fully realised that Aboriginal peoples maintain a very powerful position in Australia, so much so, that by amending the Native Title Act in 1998 he demonstrated the inherent power of Aboriginal peoples, which stems from our continuing sovereignty.

Having now reviewed his Ten Point Plan it is important for us, as First Nations Peoples, to revisit John Howard’s amendments and what they meant.

Howard’s Ten Point Plan promised ‘bucket loads’ of extinguishment of Native Title after the Wik decision, in which the High Court found that Native Title continued to exist on pastoral leases in Queensland. This sent the Howard government into a fervent need to create ‘certainty’ for the non-Aboriginal landholders, driven by the fear in existing landholders of our continuing connection to Country.


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