

The invasion and the non-Aboriginal claim to sovereignty

It must be acknowledged that this country was invaded and this is confirmed by the actions of Captain James Cook when he fired at the first group of Aboriginal people he came in contact with. Then the invaders imprisoned us and interned us in detention centres in the guise of looking after our welfare, protecting us from the barbarous acts of the squatocracy and their militias, supported by the police and redcoats, and then had the audacity to try and establish representative government on the land of others, while we were being imprisoned and killed. [node:read-more:link]

The Brutal Truth - What happened in the gulf country NT

When you know who owned the stations on which Aboriginals were killed and the names of the politicians who knowingly allowed it all to happen, you also know the Who's Who of colonial Australia.

It is horrific to read, in fine detail, what was done to hundreds of innocent men, women and children. That is why some people still want this history to remain hidden.

Tony Roberts 'The Monthly Essays' November 2009 [node:read-more:link]

Sovereign Union To Shadow ANZAC Day March and highlight the Frontier Wars

Sovereign Union To Shadow ANZAC Day March and highlight the Frontier Wars

'Ghillar' Michael Anderson said the Frontier Wars, in which thousands of Aboriginal men and women died defending their traditional lands against European invaders, was much more than an act of aggression. It was "mass murder" and of "war" which deserves to be remembered. "This is a long way from being called a protest," he told New Matilda. "It is a calling for people never to forget what happened here in Australia." He says for too long, ANZAC Day has been about "white Australia, not about Aboriginal Australians". [node:read-more:link]

May Day marches: In defence of our land and our freedoms: We must stay united and maintain our outrage

In defence of our land and our freedoms

This is an appeal for everyone in this country: supporters, unions, church groups and all people who believe in freedom and justice to attend the May Day National Day of Protest in your state. This is our right. This is Australia's autumn revolution. Let's make it a million man, woman and child march. This is our future. Let's tell the government how this country must commence healing, which will lead us to a healthy future. More info on May Day actions across Australia sosblakaustralia [node:read-more:link]

Sovereign Union Letter to United Nations - SOS Forced closure of Aboriginal homeland communities in WA

I write this letter as a matter of urgency. Despite a national day of protest across the whole of the Australian continent on 19 March 2015 against the forced closures of Aboriginal homeland communities, the state governments have arrogantly ignored our protests and continue unabated. The mainstream media media in Australia are blacking out any attention as if the forced closures are not happening. This is a cry for help as our communities do not have the resources to stave off the Australian assault on Aboriginal Peoples and their lands. [node:read-more:link]

Aboriginal Sovereign Manifesto of Demands

Aboriginal Sit-in 'Day One' Canberra

'Day One' of the Sit-in was successful in gaining world attention, due to the government 'spill' being moved forward by a day. The Aboriginal Sovereign Manifesto of Demands was delivered in person to both sides of the Commonwealth Government.
The Manifesto begins with:
"We, the Aboriginal Sovereign Peoples with the National Aboriginal Freedom Movement demand that the Commonwealth of Australia begins negotiations to establish a time frame for our decolonisation, through Treaties under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties with the legitimate authorised representatives of each Nation State. This will form the basis of the recovery framework for the healing from the devastation wreaked upon Aboriginal Nations and Peoples by State sanctioned genocide and gross violations of human rights. ..." [node:read-more:link]

History repeats: Ethnic cleansing in ACT 1954 and now in WA removal from homelands.

Media Release - 18 December 20143

Australian governments continually and blatantly attack the most vulnerable in our communities and argue that they are concerned for our welfare and the widening 'Gap' in terms of the disparity in our education, etc., while calling us Australian citizens.
But we know we are not Australians citizens under the Australian Constitution and never have been and this is why governments can commit the gross violations of human rights against us and think they can get away with it. [node:read-more:link]


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