
Rates Cases

Aboriginal Rates Case back on track

The Rates Case in the NSW Magistrates Court in Sydney between Brewarrina shire and Michael Anderson is challenging the question of sovereignty.

Before the question of rates payable can be dealt with, the legal argument is clearly a question of jurisdiction. Also, shire councils are being paid by the Commonwealth, which is believed to be double dipping, bordering on fraud

A fight against paying rates on ancient homelands

Both the Euahlayi and the Murrawarri Nations have joined in a combined effort to fight against paying rates on their ancient homelands.

This is an issue that has arisen as a consequence of the Brewarrina Shire Council seeking payment of rates for services on their ancient homelands.

The matter is beyond the scope and jurisdiction of the State courts so the Federal Attorney-General will now consult with the State and Territory Attorneys-General. [node:read-more:link]


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