
Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN)

First Nations are Water Owners, Not Stakeholders

Water is life

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, asserts that First Nations are owners of water, not just stakeholders and promotes the callout for the 'Water is Life National Gathering' in Canberra on 12 and 13 February 2019. After the massive fish kills in Menindee Lake he demonstrates with a 2019 image from Google Earth that there is still plenty of water just southwest of Menindee Lake, in the Tandou cotton farm, which had a bumper crop this year and has just planted another. This is after selling its water licence for $78 million for an environmental water buyback in 2017 and not being charged for its final year of water allocation. [node:read-more:link]

MDBA Water management: "Don't leave Dracula in charge of the Blood bank"

Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) Media Release

Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) - MEDIA RELEASE - The disaster on the river system is NOT caused just by the drought but is also a culmination of man-made mismanagement; corruption at the highest levels; and major development without scientific evidence-based planning in the formative years of the MDBA. At an emergency meeting of the NBAN Board of Directors in Moree on the 11, 12 & 13 January 2019, it was determined that an urgent intervention is required. [node:read-more:link]

Treaty of Union between Sovereign First Nations of the Murray-Darling Basin

NBAN Treaty

Yesterday was an extremely historic occasion with the signing of the Treaty of Union between Sovereign First Nations of the Murray-Darling Basin. The moment, however, was marred by misinformation and a lack of an wholisic understanding of the Multilateral Treaty, which is only between Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations. Our Facebook warriors have managed to pick one article, from an old draft, not the final document, without understanding its proper context. In no way does this clause 'apply their Corporate laws over the Sovereign Jurisdiction of the Nations hence an IMPACT On SOVEREIGNTY!' as claimed on a Facebook page. The reverse is true. [node:read-more:link]

Treaty signing between First Nations of the northern Murray-Darling Basin

Treaty signing between First Nations of the northern Murray-Darling Basin

Treaty: Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) - Inter Nation Multilateral Treaty at the original site of the 1972 Embassy in Canberra, 10:00am Wednesday 10 May 2017.
23 First Nations across southern Queensland and northern, north west, upper western and western New South Wales gathered in Canberra yesterday for today's signing of a Multilateral Treaty between these First Nations, which affirms each Nation's independent sovereign status.       ... [node:read-more:link]

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) Media Release

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) Media Release

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) who represents the 22 First Nations in the Northern Basin, fully support Minister Hunters call for the extra promised 450 GL of Water to be delivered to the Murray Darling Basin. "By the Prime Minister moving the water portfolio from Environment to Mr Joyce's Agriculture, is equivalent to putting Dracula and his Vampires in charge of the blood bank" one of the delegates at the meeting said. He also said that "nobody will get any blood" we need to understand that this exact scenario is playing out in the Murray Darling at the moment. [node:read-more:link]

Callout: 6th July Darling Harbour, Sydney, protest against assimilation into the colonial Constitution

Protest against Assmiliation

On 6 July 2015 Tony Abbott, Bill Shorten and the selected 40 government-appointed 'Indigenous Leaders' will be meeting together at Darling Harbour Sydney to discuss advancing the referendum proposal, but the exact time and location has not been released by the organisers. "Now the Australian government realises that the objective to wipe out Aboriginal Nations and Peoples has failed and breeding the colour out did not work either, for our Aboriginality has remained a driving force within the spirit of the people". Ghillar Anderson said in a Media Release. [node:read-more:link]

Talks held for treaty between almost 50 Indigenous nations in the Murray-Darling Basin

A treaty between the nations of the Murray-Darling Basin could help in the lobbying for Indigenous rights to water. (Picture: Melissa Macgill)

Sofie Wainwright ABC Broken Hill 12 August 2016

Representatives from almost 50 Indigenous nations across the Murray-Darling Basin have begun talks to develop a treaty. [node:read-more:link]

Sovereignty claimed over Murray-Darling rivers

Northern Murray Darling Basin Member Nations
Nations: Barkindji (Paakantyi), Githabul, Mandandanji, Barunggam, Gunggari, Mardigan, Bidjara, Jarowair, Murrawarri, Bigambul, Gwamu, (Kooma), Ngemba, Budjiti, Kunja, Ngiyampaa, Euahlayi, Kambuwal, Kwiambul, Wailwan, Gamilaroi, Maljangapa, and Wakka Wakka.
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