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Let's have some 'Proper' Truth Telling about the Uluru Statement

Uluru Statement - A Grassroots and Cultural Perspective

Tjimpuna Tjimpuna 4 August 2018

Today at Garma; let's go through this shall we with some #truthtellling for the Grassroots people from the communities all across the Country we call Australia.

Statement Video Reference

Excerpt of related information to this statement from this NITV Footage. Full length footage:
  1. the host gives an introduction of the guest speaker #2 within reference to a Yolgnu name he was granted = our Anangu word for this type of person the #2 guest speaker which is "mamu" it fits perfectly as well considering the recent show with Anangu & ULURU families.
  2. guest speaker #1 gave reference to 2015 the Referendum Council was passed with a job to consult our mob on what meaningful recognition has to mean for them? Dialogue process in which Communities felt like they were in control = no one knew this was happening according to Traditional Owners all over the Country it was hush-hush and only selected were able to attend.

  3. Chosen by community organisations = so you had to be chosen, we all know the chosen ones were the YES PEOPLE!

  4. Sought permission from Traditional Owners = I have spoken to a lot of Traditional Owners the #1 Custodians of the Land and they report they were not given any notice or agreed to anything.

  5. Dialogues were set up by Land Councils and Aboriginal Corporations = is this the only way for something so big to impact our whole country to be done on this level.

  6. Uluru Constitutional Convention was held at Uluru = it was NOT held at ULURU it was held at YULARA aka Ayers Rock Resort in the Uluru Meeting Place Conference Room located in the Sails In The Desert Hotel within the resort.

  7. Dialogue process led to consensus at ULURU = 1/2 of the Delegates walked out because they were threatened often by tribal punishment.

  8. integrity of ULURU = the integrity of the remaining delegates when they disregarded the safety/wellbeing of their fellow delegates from the tribal punishment that is not integrity, and to further carry this out with lies and deception that is not integrity.

  9. voice, treaty, truth? The Uluru Statement calls for a voice to parliament = it is easy for any indigenous individual to go through the normal processes of becoming a politician.

  10. Makaratta to facilitate agreement making = Central Desert Communities reject Makaratta as not our language and culturally what it stands for we have our own that gets done regularly so we are not prepared to undertake this process.

  11. Truth Telling as part of the Makaratta Commission ULURU Statement, Referendum Council issued at ULURU = let us all be reminded the original ULURU DECLARATION DOCUMENT was already formulated before YULARA, the heart statement was done when I alerted guest speaker #1 to our family surname ULURU and the jargon that was used inside that original ULURU Declaration Document was unable to be translated and interpreted not just for the First Nations people of Australia but for the people of Australia that have English as a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th second language and not able to understand jargon and to alert that our family surname of ULURU must not be used as they did not have full family permission.

  12. guest speaker #2 reads out the ULURU Heart Statement in his language with guest speaker #1 interpreting in English = both reading from paper - no real interpreting in progress. So why at Mutitjulu Community NT ULURU when I asked that it be read out to the Community and interpreted it was not. Big Show?

  13. Last Garma, delivered to parliament the report was rejected on a number of grounds; great distress to those who have been working on it right across the country. First Nations that participated in the dialogue were destroyed by the Australian Government’s position and Establishment of a joint select committee chaired by Liberal MP and co-chair Labor politician; followed now by an interim report they seek real hope and real destination = report cannot be interpreted / translated to Grassroots people. Still continuation of the name useage ULURU = deceit and law breaking.

  14. not whether but how = need to go back to the drawing board and start all over again with a fresh clean slate start by removing the name ULURU and look at the process that has taken to get to this stage and do not do that ever again.

  15. urge all Australian’s to engage in the process = as I explained to the Sydney ULURU Working Group in early 2018, that by using my Grandfather’s name ULURU to divide and conquer the country was not acceptable and needed to be stopped - I was told “it was irrelevant” by a QLD First Nations person who was on the Sydney Working Group and she also signed the Constitution Canvas on behalf of 4 Nations/Tribes. I was very angered and upset to be laughed at so I told her “let me use your Grandfather name to divide the people and conquer the country” - she went silent and then still told me it was irrelevant.

  16. If a successful model could emerge = elite blacks need to work with Grassroots people the ones not connected to Land Councils and Aboriginal Corporations because we are the only ones who have seen every decade of lies, deceit and trickery known to man and when it comes from your own Aboriginal people you tend not to have anything to do with the likes of and question everything that is further done. The ULURU family members would like the name removed as it is a breach of personal name without permission, culturally and legislation both Federally and on a United Nations Level binding it to us with Strength in no way to be mixed into Constitution. That is constantly being ignored of me so I have no choice now to upscale my Anangu Status.

  17. first stage of the quest will have a real chance for the Australian people = it may prove that the Australian people are now finding out the truth of deceit and choose not to help / accept.

  18. guest speaker #2 speaks highly in jargon “disputation and objection is very propitious” = these words spoken at the Grassroots people are a major turn off and even as an interpreter / translator it is a huge headache, those words could take up to 20 minutes for a team of interpreters / translators to try to deliver that message to the people. So the Interim Report will take up to maybe a month or so that I think it needs to be passed through translators of all peoples in this country because Constitutional Reform affects everyone in Australia - that is my recommendation so that everyone is inclusively informed not exclusively information through the many languages of the land not just First Nations.

  19. October rejection = was an incident very personal to the immediate ULURU family, I had no choice to deliver the message through to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull he in return rejected the Heart Statement and disbanded the Referendum Council; our family thanks him greatly for his strong decision making to coincide with our high status. Once again Mr Prime Minister on behalf of the many ULURU families and the immediate ULURU family we thank you for acknowledging us as we acknowledge you in return also. We were not disappointed as a family name,

  20. design of how = remove the family name but happy to have the conversation therefore ULURU name must be removed immediately.

  21. Why? The after effect of Constitution should it be accepted by Parliament, there will be a treaty! National, Regional and local agreement making = Treaty is illegal for any First Nations persons in this country. It is being forced upon us Grassroots people without a having a say ; the Land Councils decide our fate not our destiny without even asking us.

  22. Makarratta, we seek a Commission to the agreement making process = again a process stemming from tribal punishment, the Central Desert Communities have and will continue to reject it.

  23. Business needs to conclude, we declined to meet with each other in how Australians meet with the new Australia = what is Joint Management then? Is it not everywhere in this country in schools, in workplaces, in businesses, in sporting teams, in our relationships when we interracial marry we accept new people into our families that is already acknowledged by the Government, first and foremost our Grassroots families why create the myth that is already in practice as it it does not exist, it seems the elite blacks are conjuring up that only suits themselves.

  24. how ancient Australia survives within the new = it is in evidence, factual success evidence within Indigenous Procurement Policy, new enterprises, school/university programs that already have cultural pathways for everyone to be included; why create a myth? If anything the inclusion of Constitution should be gathered information upon the migrants and new settlers to this country Australia and ask them how they deal with it together with their culture and cultural practices. They’ll say “ they have no choice” just have to abide by it - what is going to make it better or worse for First Nations except my Anangu people.

  25. so the date 2020 = the choice date that reflects Captain Cook voyage, that day to many is of mixed emotions however you personally look at it so why is it being thought about or agreed about for a particular date. Kids tell me “we cant change history in this country we should accept it” I agree. So pick a date that everyone agrees on? Did they offer ethnic minorities get given to pick a date?

  26. Treaty with one another = this does not include my ANANGU people, we already do business with a lot of people here in our own country Australia, interstate Australia and more so International we are highly recognised - so for us we don’t need elite blacks trying to tell us what to do or deciding our fate when our destiny was already recognised in 1971, 1976, 1977, 1985, 1993 and 1994. Treaty may help other Nations/Tribes that is only if they want it not for you to force yourselves upon Nations/Tribes.

  27. Us from the Heart / Indigenous Sovereignty = was highly disregarded as ULURU ANANGU have the highest Sovereignty in the whole country that is why the Queen and Parliament acknowledges us as of 1971 through United Nations Declaration of Independence under Tribal Lands Category to stand forever. There is no need for the elite blacks to be using our name anymore it is by Law that you remove it now.

  28. Constitutionalising our position = as ANANGU already have our own Constitution 1976 there is no need for us to be talking about this one = any ANANGU with any participation in this is committing treason and insubordination, anyone employed within us that at the top of our order is “in Anangu best interest” not showing 100% under our Constitution is committing insubordination.

  29. creating a bridge between the rock in the centre and the centre of power in the homes of the Ngunnawal in Canberra = cannot happen Culturally as Ngunnawal do not have same status as Anangu so it is not that simple also in-terms of geographics and songlines and every Nation/Tribe in the Country saw how the Ngunnawal treated Mr Clinton Pryor on his arrival into Canberra ACT and their inter-tribal dealings with Mr Clinton Pryor after he left Canberra and how a top prominent Ngunnawal male Traditional Owner spoke with rage and insult about Mr Clinton Pryor bringing a piece of ULURU itself to Canberra ACT Ngunnawal country from my Grandfather Mr ULURU one of the ULURU brothers as a peace gesture to all the Tribes/Nations that meet at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy. It was met with disrespect and in person with arrogance and disgust at Traditional practices upon their land as a show of togetherness. I for one will not allow this to happen and I am supported far and wide firstly and foremost by my Anangu families and Anangu people and supported by other Nations/Tribes in this whole country = therefore no bridge will be created.

  30. Treaty door is a second door = we do not want treaty and nor do we need a treaty as Anangu people of the Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Nation we are above Treaty and are stronger than that we have been negotiating our own business and will continue to do so without the elite blacks. Treaty is only valid between Nations/Tribes only. No other Nation/Tribes has the same status as Anangu to even Treaty with. #NOTREATY

  31. late to the strategy you need to wake up = you need to learn the truth before you agree.

  32. many Organisations have joined to put the question to the Parliament = those many Aboriginal organisations can’t even provide basic goods and services that what they are solely purposed to do since their existence; majority of these places have been in establishment since 1970’s with great nepotism as a tool for survival. To the Grassroots people they do not do their job as per vision statement.

  33. For people fighting to sustain communities this is a life or death matter = you are messing with Anangu status that alone is a serious matter that which you choose to ignore all the canvas crew with the help of non-educated persons who have no idea of their own people and how they perceive what is known as a wrongdoing to Anangu both Culturally and by western Law and United Nations Law. This is not personal opinion this is public knowledge and also on many levels it carries indictable offences.

  34. Grave responsibility for Tribes = you are not the leader of all Tribes in this whole Country we call Australia so how can you say you are responsible. A person with no Tjukurpa (Law) and no tjaa (songline) has no authority over absolutely anything in existence in our world.

  35. urge young people of the hard work of dialogue, discussion, consensus and patience so that we come to a common position = I urge young Indigenous Australians all over this Country to remember 2017 and 2018 as the most rotten years in terms of us Indigenous Australians as a whole in the way that many of the elite blacks of our tribal lands together with the Elders that have become vulnerable and oblivious to any process that entails legislation that will crumble grassroots communities and destroy our tribal lands forever, they are known as YES PEOPLE and SELLOUTS. They don’t really care, they really care about their own pockets lined with money, their big bank account balances of Traditional Owner monies, their own career advancement, their fame of their name, their fame of their face on camera, their power they hold in a whiteman position title while all we Grassroots people get is Kangaroo tails, takeaway food, blankets, playing cards, alcohol, marijuana for signatures to use against us to destroy us; is this the leadership of the canvas signatures do we want to be under? So in-terms of the Canvas every name on it sold out that individual tribe/nation in some cases a name signed on behalf of 2-3-4 Nations/Tribes whilst using ULURU without permission - how disrespectful to the many families and the ULURU immediate family.

  36. personal opinion, where is the support from our tribe for the position we take? Cynicism and pessimism? Optimism and hope? = I am not a personal opinion; I speak the truth from the Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Anangu peoples and as the eldest Granddaughter of the ULURU brothers, and as connected to many Anangu families of ULURU and the APY LANDS within the PY Nation. All of my information has been passed down to me from a small child through Tjukurpa (Anangu Law) from the original #1 leader of Uluru (now deceased) but he still lives on to us, and my Grandfather’s taught me everything I know the same as the original 10 Mayatja (Custodians) of Uluru that is on the original plaque of Uluru National Park; all my western information is public knowledge and is well learnt as the requirement to be an Anangu Park Ranger one of the original 10 in the second group of Uluru National Park. I was #6 in the early days when Uluru National Park came back to us in 1985.

Tjimpuna Tjimpuna
Tjimpuna Tjimpuna

So I hope this helps everyone in this country to understand my #truthtelling for you; from family point of view and from Grassroots point of view and most certainly where this country is leading with the current Indigenous Leadership.

Tjimpuna Tjimpuna
Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara

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Senior Lawman Tjilpi Murray George

Senior Law Man Statement
Tjilpi Murray George

26 October 2017

We, the Anangu families of Uluru and the APY Lands would like everyone to know that families did not give permission for the Uluru name to be used by the Referendum Council.

This also has been a direct misuse of the UKTNP Guidelines for Anangu useage under the Biodiversity Act governed by Tjukurpa (Anangu Law) and Department of Environment Australian Government under Joint Management. That link was provided in the Referendum Council rules for Delegates to abide by whilst attending the Constitution Convention held at Yulara (Ayers Rock Resort) NT. This was overlooked by those in attendance.

Mutitjulu Community as a whole was unaware that meeting was to be held within the area until the convoy of buses entered the community at 3:30pm that afternoon for the opening ceremony. We together with Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Law & Culture Senior Tjilpi Lawman Murray George now know that correct consultation did not happen.

As a result of this our name, our community and Traditional Owners are now embarrassed about something we had no idea about. Constitution Convention had nothing to do with Mutitjulu Community that lives inside Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park, the Constitution Convention was held at Yulara (Ayers Rock Resort) private land outside of Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park.

Whilst this is dividing our country Australia we would like everyone to understand this and remove the Uluru name and together we can all unite under the words of senior lawman Murray George "one people, one voice, no argument", simply means let us all come together as one people to unite and discuss issues respectfully.

We ask that you respect this and direct your apologies to our community of Mutitjulu and Anangu people. We ask that those who are in positions at the National Gathering of Elders in November to please understand that Tjukurpa (Anangu Law) is always on top for us and we invite everyone to learn and share knowledge on an appropriate level and to come together under "one people, one voice, no argument".

*This statement serves as an instruction from PY LAW & CULTURE Senior Lawman Tjilpi Murray George. He gives permission for this to be widely shared*

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