

Why more schools need to teach bilingual education to First Nations children

Indigenous children can benefit greatly from learning in a language they understand
Indigenous children can benefit greatly from learning in a language they understand
(Image: Neda Vanovac / AAP)

Samantha Disbray, Senior linguistics researcher, Charles Darwin University
16 June 2017 [node:read-more:link]

New Stolen Generation - Yolngu Nation says 'No' to the Removal of it's citizens

'Lab Rats' - Medical experiments on Aboriginal children in care

Medical experiaments on children in Australia

There is one group in society so powerless, that its voice has not been heard. The abuses its members experienced should make all of those arguing about rights, morality, power, and the separation of Church and State, in the debate on stem cell research, sit up and take notice. Its members are the victims of the lack of church and state separation in past medical experimentation in this country. They are the children who lived in child welfare institutions and were used as real life “lab rats” in the pursuit of medical breakthroughs. [node:read-more:link]

Are Aboriginal mothers too scared to ask for help in case it results having their children stolen?

The urgent need for Australia to acknowledge it has a race relations problem

White Australia must consider the damage that disregard generates, and understand that from the Aboriginal perspective, white ways are not the only ways, or necessarily the best ways.
Many of our survey respondents expressed a willingness to improve the relationship. But so long as white Australia is resistant to Indigenous inclusion on any terms but its own, it’s hard to see how progress can be made.

Why is trachoma blinding Aboriginal children when mainstream Australia eliminated it 100 years ago?

Trachoma disappeared from most of Australia 100 years ago as individual and community hygiene improved
Trachoma disappeared from most of Australia 100 years ago as individual and community hygiene improved.
(Image: Author provided)

Hugh Taylor, Emma Stanford and Fiona Lange 13 September 2016 [node:read-more:link]

Why Being Pro-Black Isn't the Same as Being Anti-White

Why Being Pro-Black Isn't the Same as Being Anti-White

When we have the courage and audacity to reclaim our own humanity, this is how we can heal, this is how we can be better to ourselves and to other people, and this is how we will change the world.

Four Reasons Why Being Pro-Black Isn't the Same as Being Anti-White

Wazi Maret Davis Everyday Femenist 16 November 2015 [node:read-more:link]

A little boy who hid under the bed – a survivor of the Stolen Generations

Marcus Woolombi

The nation’s most elevated risk group to suicide is of individuals who as children were removed from their biological families.

Dr Woolombi Waters The Stringer August 28th, 2016 [node:read-more:link]


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