
Wiradjuri Sovereign Embassy - The way forward

Wiradjuri Sovereign Embassy was established on Sunday 27 May 2012 by the Wiradjuri people of Erambie Mission in Cowra in central west New South Wales.

The foundation ceremony of lighting the sacred fire was undertaken by four men representing the footsteps of the four proud young Aborigines who faced down Prime Minister William McMahon 40 years ago in Canberra by establishing a Tent Embassy in front of Parliament House.

Aboriginal Sovereignty Never Ceded...what does it mean?

  • It means Aboriginal people of Australia have not ever willingly or freely acknowledge or given the right for a foreign power to occupy our country and impose its laws and political systems on a free willed and peaceful people.
  • It means that Aboriginal people have not freely or willingly given up the right to self-determination or self rule.
  • It means that Aboriginal people have not given up the right to own our lands, waters and natural resources.
  • It means that Aboriginal people have not given up the right to live and exist as free people in our own country.
  • It means that Aboriginal people be afforded a basic human right of speaking and teaching our own languages.
  • It means that Aboriginal people have not freely or willingly given up the right to practice our own religion.
  • It means that Aboriginal people have not given up the right to practice our own culture.
  • It means that Aboriginal people may one day be free from this constant and relentless fixation Australian politicians have in wanting to steal our children.
  • It means that Aboriginal people have not been free and willing participants in Australian political systems and their uniquely Australian idiosyncratic forms of Aboriginal engineering.
  • It means that Aboriginal people have not given up the right to support and sustain our way of life as a free and independent people.
  • It means that Aboriginal people are not free and willing participants in the occupation of our country by a ruthless and merciless foreign power.

Les Coe
Aboriginal Embassy

Photo: Establishment of Cowra Tent Embassy (Source: National Indigenous Times)