
Sovereign Union and Our Political Future

Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia

The survival of our Mother Earth
and our very right to exist is what we have to defend.

Sovereign Union and Our Political Future

The Sovereign Union is an organisation that does not accept the right of the existing pseudo-government of Australia to rule over the rights of our Peoples. We have to understand that there are a number of International Court of Justice decisions that clearly state that Sovereignty remains with the People. (Western Sahara Case and others)

The international objectives of the Sovereign Union are to have our Peoples recognised as ‘Peoples’ under the international legal definition. By campaigning to have this recognised we, as First Nations Peoples, have the international right as independent Peoples to assert the right of self-determination under international law. We know that the Australian Government has very different objectives. We can achieve our objectives by being empowered and coming together as Peoples and Nations. We can take our issues overseas and make them into international issues. We have always argued that we have never ceded our sovereignty at any material time.

After the MABO (No.2) decision was handed down, the former Chief justice of the High Court, Justice Anthony Mason, wrote that when “settlement” occurred there was already in existence an international law that could have permitted the invaders and the First Nations Peoples of Australia to co-exist without one or the other having to give up their rights to exist as independent and free Peoples. There were also mechanisms that could and should have been used to ensure our right to exist as independent and free Peoples, living in the one country, observing our own customs and Law, but all legal British instructions were ignored.

In 1995 the Australian Government put to the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Peoples, that they object to the use of the term “the right of self-determination” applied as a right to Aboriginal people. Instead they pressed to restrict the right of self-determination for Indigenous Peoples to a limited right to say ‘how they should be governed’.

The objectives of the Australian Government are to have us all become Australians. This is what the Assimilation Policy, Reconciliation and Mainstreaming is about. Now they are just telling us to accept it, because they will not recognise us as Aboriginal (First Nations Peoples) with the right to be different from the rest of the Australian population.

They never thought about this when they were stealing away our children from us and jailing us on Government and religious reserves, without the right of freedom of association and movement; feeding us on an inadequate diet of impoverished food rations and taking that away from families if they defied the manager. We were not free Australians then and we are not free Australians now. Look at the legislation that controls us around this country. We are the most legislated for Peoples in the world, over 100 Acts of oppressive law. This is the way they still control us. They know we are Free peoples and we have never given them the right to govern us in any way.

They tell us they are providing ‘Special measures’. Of course they are special measures. Special measures to dictate to us and control us through bureaucratic red tape and administration. - bureaucratic administration controlled by whites and the government appointed black pseudo-leadership, who cannot even trust their own kind to run our own organisations. They have been ‘trained’ well. The Sovereign Union is our political vehicle to fight the hard fights. The Sovereign Union is to become our Black Parliament, serving the interests of the Aboriginal constituency. It is to become the vehicle for our political leadership both nationally and internationally, led by the wisdom of the Elders.

There is no doubt that the government black appointees and the self-appointed black leadership will come and say that what the Sovereign Union stands for is a ‘pipe dream’, full of unrealistic objectives. They told the Gurindji that they were unrealistic; they told the Black Power movement that they didn’t want anything to do with them; they told the founders of the Aboriginal Embassy that they were mad and no-one would take any notice of them; they told the leaders of the Land Rights movement that they wouldn’t get anywhere; they told Eddie Mabo he would get nowhere; they agreed with Keating that pastoral leases extinguished native title, until the Wik People challenged it; they said that we would not achieve much at the CERD (United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racism) and other UN committees, but we won.

Australia has been condemned in the international arena and advised to suspend implementation of the Native Title Act as amended and open discriminatory by extinguishing our rights and validating white interests in land. After extensive evidence of the oppressive impact of the 2007 Northern Territory on prescribed communities, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) affirmed the legal position of our sovereignty by recommending a treaty in its 2010 concluding observations:

Drawing the attention of the State party to the Committee’s general recommendation 23 (1997) on the rights of indigenous peoples, the Committee reiterates its recommendation that the State party increase efforts to ensure a meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and that any measures to amend the Australian Constitution include the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as First Nations Peoples. In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party consider the negotiation of a treaty agreement to build a constructive and sustained relationship with Indigenous peoples.

[27 August 2010- CERD/C/AUS/CO/15-17]

The survival of our MOTHER EARTH
and our very right to exist
is what we have to defend.

Now have some heart - we did it before and we will do it again.

There are no proper independent organisations working for Aboriginal Nations and Peoples, anywhere in Australia, because they are all government funded and controlled. How can we be independent and represent the interests of our people if we are dependant upon government aid Now is the time to join the fight before they give it away through reconciliation’, and we all become assimilated Blacks.
With the Pacific Islanders Protection Acts 1872 and 1875 we now have the evidence that Britain never claimed sovereignty and dominion over us. To put it beyond doubt we located the official copy of this Act in the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Whitehall, London.

7. Saving the Rights of Tribes:
Nothing herein or in any such Order in Council contained shall extend or be construed to extend to invest her Majesty and her heirs and successors with any claim or title whatsoever to dominion or sovereignty over any such islands or places as aforesaid, or to derogate from the rights of the tribes or people inhabiting such islands or places, or of chiefs or rulers thereof, to such sovereignty or dominion, and a copy of every such Order in Council shall be laid before each House of Parliament within thirty days after the issue thereof, unless Parliament shall not then be in session, in which case a copy shall be laid before each House of Parliament within thirty days after the commencement of the next ensuring session.

Section 7 Saving the Rights of Tribes is an Order in Council from the monarch, Queen Victoria, and has never been repealed.

It is our duty to lead the way for the young and future generations.

Stand up for your right to exist
as free and independent
sovereign Nations and Peoples.

