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After the apology to the stolen generations – a photo essay - The Guardian

The Guardian

After the apology to the stolen generations – a photo essay
The Guardian
Ten years ago the then Australian prime minister, Kevin Rudd, made an official apology to all Indigenous Australians, and in particular to the stolen generations, for past governments' mistreatment and wrongdoings to Australian's Indigenous populations ...

'I call it racism': when they took the children, it was in police cars - The Guardian

The Guardian

'I call it racism': when they took the children, it was in police cars
The Guardian
A report released by Family Matters last November found that Indigenous children are nearly 10 times more likely to be removed from their families than non-Indigenous children. In April of last year a UN investigation found Australia among the worst ...

Google News

A year on, the key goal of Uluru statement remains elusive - The Guardian

The Guardian

A year on, the key goal of Uluru statement remains elusive
The Guardian
The statement is a proposal of constitutional reform that would establish a constitutionally enshrined First Nations representative body to advise parliament on policy affecting Indigenous peoples and commit Australia to a process of truth-telling of ...

A year on, the key goal of Uluru statement remains elusive - The Guardian

The Guardian

A year on, the key goal of Uluru statement remains elusive
The Guardian
The statement is a proposal of constitutional reform that would establish a constitutionally enshrined First Nations representative body to advise parliament on policy affecting Indigenous peoples and commit Australia to a process of truth-telling of ...

How to get to Australia … more than 50000 years ago - Ancient Origins

Ancient Origins

How to get to Australia … more than 50000 years ago
Ancient Origins
Over just the past few years, new archaeological findings have revealed the lives of early Aboriginal Australians in the Northern Territory's Kakadu potentially as early as 65,000 years ago , from the Kimberley and Pilbara regions of Western Australia ...

A journey into 'hell on earth' - ABC Online

ABC Online

A journey into 'hell on earth'
ABC Online
Over 100 years, the Moore River Native Settlement became notorious as a camp where Aboriginal people from across Western Australia were sent — often against their will and often as young children — for "integration" into western society. Kevin Barron ...

A journey into 'hell on earth' - ABC Online

ABC Online

A journey into 'hell on earth'
ABC Online
Over 100 years, the Moore River Native Settlement became notorious as a camp where Aboriginal people from across Western Australia were sent — often against their will and often as young children — for "integration" into western society. Kevin Barron ...

Family's rise from the sorry place: Ken and Ben Wyatt's proud return - The Australian

The Australian

Family's rise from the sorry place: Ken and Ben Wyatt's proud return
The Australian
To mark both events, an extraordinary ceremony has been held at Moore River, or Mogumber, with Australia's first Aboriginal federal minister, Ken Wyatt, and his nephew Ben Wyatt, Australia's first Aboriginal state treasurer, standing side by side ...

Family's rise from the sorry place: Ken and Ben Wyatt's proud return - The Australian

The Australian

Family's rise from the sorry place: Ken and Ben Wyatt's proud return
The Australian
To mark both events, an extraordinary ceremony has been held at Moore River, or Mogumber, with Australia's first Aboriginal federal minister, Ken Wyatt, and his nephew Ben Wyatt, Australia's first Aboriginal state treasurer, standing side by side ...

Google News

Two years on from the Palaszczuk intervention, it's time for a report on Aurukun school - The Australian

The Australian

Two years on from the Palaszczuk intervention, it's time for a report on Aurukun school
The Australian
We understand your colleague Kate Jones is no longer education minister, but now the Commonwealth Games are over, did she think school attendance would be worse than under the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy? Does she wonder how the ...

Google News

Turning tables on our cringe kitsch - The Australian

The Australian

Turning tables on our cringe kitsch
The Australian
Of course he never did hit rock bottom. Rather, his career soared and countless accolades followed. To this day, Albert is driven to shed light on the glaring and ongoing oppression of indigenous people, and their inequality with non-indigenous ...

National Sorry Day: How Australia apologises to the Aborigines for the wrongs of the past - The Independent

Courier Mail

National Sorry Day: How Australia apologises to the Aborigines for the wrongs of the past
The Independent
Australia marks National Sorry Day every 26 May. Unlike Anzac Day, which celebrates the heroism of Australian and New Zealand troops fighting overseas, Sorry Day is an occasion for solemn commemoration of the mistreatment of Aborigines and Torres ...
Reconciliation Day is a time for reflection, not just a public holidayThe Canberra Times
Reconciliation: it's all talk and no actionEternity News
Controversy over ACT Reconciliation DayThe Australian
Courier Mail -The Islander
all 8 news articles »

A sweet homecoming - Eternity News - Eternity News

Eternity News

A sweet homecoming - Eternity News
Eternity News
Writer and artist Jade Sweeney describes how she reconnected with her Aboriginal family.

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Latrell Mitchell and Cody Walker desperate to raise life expectancy of indigenous Australians - Daily Telegraph

Daily Telegraph

Latrell Mitchell and Cody Walker desperate to raise life expectancy of indigenous Australians
Daily Telegraph
Lionel Mitchell died at 42, and Larry Goolagong at 43. “Both of my grandfathers died of diabetes,” Mitchell said. “My old man is 43 now, I'm proud of him to live this far. He's got two grandkids now so that's put a spring in his step.” That one of the ...

Latrell Mitchell and Cody Walker desperate to raise life expectancy of indigenous Australians - Daily Telegraph

Daily Telegraph

Latrell Mitchell and Cody Walker desperate to raise life expectancy of indigenous Australians
Daily Telegraph
Lionel Mitchell died at 42, and Larry Goolagong at 43. “Both of my grandfathers died of diabetes,” Mitchell said. “My old man is 43 now, I'm proud of him to live this far. He's got two grandkids now so that's put a spring in his step.” That one of the ...

A sweet homecoming - Eternity News

Eternity News

A sweet homecoming
Eternity News
If you looked at the colour of my skin, it would be unlikely that you'd assume I'm an Indigenous Australian. I guess if you were to describe me in white-Australian lingo; I'm one-quarter Aboriginal. However, that's something that an Aboriginal ...

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Indigenous children's removal on the rise 21 years after Bringing Them Home - The Guardian

Indigenous children's removal on the rise 21 years after Bringing Them Home  The Guardian

Twenty-one years on from the Bringing Them Home report, government data shows Australia has failed to curb the rate of child removal from Indigenous families ...

Native plant species likely key in halting bee decline - Barossa & Light Herald

Barossa & Light Herald

Native plant species likely key in halting bee decline
Barossa & Light Herald
Researchers from the University of Adelaide are mapping the activity of honeybees and native pollinators in crops, areas of revegetation and native vegetation around different crops in South Australia. Two initial regions are Yorke Peninsula for canola ...

Google News

Uncovering ancient Australia - ABC Online

ABC Online

Uncovering ancient Australia
ABC Online
Up until just sixty years ago, Aboriginal presence in Australia was thought to extend back just a few thousand years. As discoveries were made and as technology changed, the dates of first occupation have been pushed back, by thousands of years, then ...

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Groundswell for a rock-solid plan - The Australian

The Australian

Groundswell for a rock-solid plan
The Australian
“People feel sad whenever they see the statue; its presence and the fact that Stuart is holding a gun is disrespectful to the Aboriginal community who are descendants of the families slaughtered during the massacres throughout Central Australia,” the ...


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