Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
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National Indigenous Times Hollows team revisits Fred's old stomping ground National Indigenous Times Australia's first Indigenous eye doctor, Kristopher Rallah-Baker (pictured on the Team Hollows' bus), was also on the trip, as was a number of leading ophthalmologists and health workers. Prominent Australian journalist Ray Martin was also there, the ...
JURIST Canada indigenous people appeal seismic testing case to Supreme Court JURIST [JURIST] Canadian indigenous people, including Inuits of Nunavut and the Chippewa, were granted an appeal [docket] to the Supreme Court of Canada [official website] earlier this month, challenging the use of seismic testing to find natural gas under ...
The Advertiser Council votes against flying Aboriginal flag The Advertiser At a meeting last week, councillors narrowly voted against a request from its Reconciliation Advisory Committee to spend $2000 on a new flag pole so the Aboriginal flag could fly alongside the Australian flag. Cr Max Amber told the meeting that ...
The Advertiser Adelaide council votes against flying Aboriginal flag The Advertiser At a meeting last week, councillors narrowly voted against a request from its Reconciliation Advisory Committee to spend $2000 on a new flag pole so the Aboriginal flag could fly alongside the Australian flag. Cr Max Amber told the meeting that ...
SBS Renewed calls for action to address Indigenous disadvantage SBS Progress on meeting targets remains slow - with Indigenous life expectancy still well behind non-Indigenous Australia, and Aboriginal incarceration rates still well above the national average. Sixteen year old Mikayla Nelson of Yorta Yorta heritage is ...
Green Left Weekly Packed forum discusses Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Treaty Green Left Weekly It would have to involve land rights for Aboriginal people and reparations for land and resources stolen. It would also have to involve guaranteed representation in an Australian republic, environmental protection and changes to land tenure agreements.
The Guardian Indigenous organisations have been 'disadvantaged' by grants program The Guardian The opposition Indigenous affairs minister, Shayne Neumann, told Guardian Australia the report showed the Indigenous advancement strategy was “full of cuts and confusion”. “Even the department has admitted that they'd never put people through the ...
The Australian (subscription) (blog) Aboriginal women at vanguard as US collects 'mesmerising' art The Australian (subscription) (blog) Exhibitions dedicated to indigenous Australian artists have shown during the past few months and years, or will tour in the next two years in museums in more than a dozen US cities including Chicago, New York, Miami, Detroit, Reno, Portland (Oregon), ...
The Moscow Times (registration) Yiwarra Kuju: Australian Aboriginal Art at Moscow's Artplay The Moscow Times (registration) Artplay Design Center is hosting an exhibition that is rare for Russia called "Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route." It is an international travelling exhibition presented by the National Museum of Australia that lets senior and emerging Aboriginal...
National Indigenous Times [ March 18, 2016 ] Bowel cancer survival rates hit rock bottom HEALTH National Indigenous Times “These findings further add to the existing data we have that outlines the large gap in cancer survival outcomes between Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people. When we look at prostate and breast cancer, Aboriginal people have a far greater risk ...
SA Aboriginal nuclear protest intensifies We remember the atomic weapons tests at Maralinga and Emu Fields and the ongoing denial around the lost lives and health impacts for Aboriginal people," he said. "We won't become the world's nuclear waste dump." Adnyamathanha woman Enice Marsh ...
The Moscow Times (registration) Yiwarra Kuju: Australian Aboriginal Art at Moscow's Artplay The Moscow Times (registration) Artplay Design Center is hosting an exhibition that is rare for Russia called "Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route." It is an international travelling exhibition presented by the National Museum of Australia that lets senior and emerging Aboriginal...