Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
Disclaimer: Media articles are not necessarily the opinion of 'Sovereign Union' and are included for reference and general information purposes only - RSS Google News Feed Kyle tees off about 'bulls***' university guidelines around indigenous history The breakfast host was reacting to guidelines enforced last year by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) around indigenous terminology. The Diversity Toolkit defines what is an appropriate language to use around Australian indigenous history, and ...
Uni students told to refer to rewriting of Australian history The Australian (subscription) (blog) They are also told it is offensive to suggest James Cook “discovered” Australia and inappropriate to say indigenous people have lived here for 40,000 years. Instead, they should say “since the beginning of the Dreamings”. A report in The Daily ...
Uni students told to refer to rewriting of Australian history The Australian (subscription) (blog) “Describing the arrival of the Europeans as a 'settlement' attempts to view Australian history from the shores of England rather than the shores of Australia,” the document says. “Most Aboriginal people find the use of the word 'discovery' offensive ...
InDaily Minister rejects nuclear dump spectre in Aboriginal heritage overhaul InDaily “South Australia is currently facing a number of contentious developments that may significantly impact on Aboriginal land and on the protection of heritage, such as the consideration of potential sites for a nuclear waste dump, and the development of ...
Football Australia Future stars at the heart of Indigenous Football Week Football Australia In an Australian football first, a group of young Indigenous footballers from remote parts of the Northern Territory will walk out with the Caltex Socceroos at the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifier at Allianz Stadium in Sydney tonight to mark the launch of ...
ABC Online Calls for British Museum to surrender Indigenous Gweagal shield ABC Online "It is our will and the will of the clan that all Gweagal artefacts are kept on Gweagal country and do not leave the shores of Australia under any circumstances whatsoever without express permission from the elders of the Gweagal tribe." When the ...
ABC Online Calls for British Museum to surrender Indigenous Gweagal shield ABC Online ... the shores of Australia under any circumstances whatsoever without express permission from the elders of the Gweagal tribe." When the shield was placed on display in Canberra last year, the head of the National Museum's Indigenous Reference Group, ...
The Australian (subscription) Indigenous Referendum Council to miss deadline The Australian (subscription) Secret documents reveal the body responsible for managing Australia's next steps towards recognising indigenous people in the Constitution has missed its own deadlines and privately concede it may need more time, prompting Malcolm Turnbull and Bill ...