Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
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SBS How much does it cost to keep people in Australian jails? SBS Across Australia, Indigenous people are over-represented in Australian prisons. The rate of Indigenous Australians in prison is 16 times higher than non-Indigenous people. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Mick Gooda ...
SBS How much does it cost to keep people in Australian jails? SBS Rates of education and training are highest in the ACT and South Australia, and rates of prisoners in work are highest in NSW and Victoria. Across Australia, the incarceration rate for Indigenous Australians was significantly higher than non-Indigenous ...
The Guardian WA premier withdraws royalties help for struggling Aboriginal communities The Guardian Mining royalties will not be used to keep open “unviable” remote Aboriginal communities, the Western Australian premier, Colin Barnett, has said. The move scuttles a lifeline thrown by WA National party leader and regional development minister, Terry ...
Lighting the way for Indigenous students Lawyers Weekly Other signatories to the CareerTrackers initiative include: Commonwealth Bank of Australia; GHD; Insurance Australia Group; Indigenous Business Australia; Lend Lease; Leighton Contractors; Qantas; SJB Architecture & Cox Architecture; and Westpac.
Chance for indigenous constitutional recognition 'may be squandered' The Australian CRUCIAL bipartisanship on a move to recognise indigenous Australians in the Constitution risks being “squandered” and the momentum exhausted if a form of words and a voting date are not released this year, the Business Council of Australia says.
Chance for indigenous constitutional recognition 'may be squandered' The Australian CRUCIAL bipartisanship on a move to recognise indigenous Australians in the Constitution risks being “squandered” and the momentum exhausted if a form of words and a voting date are not released this year, the Business Council of Australia says.
The Australian Arthur Boyd's Bride series explores issues beyond indigenous affairs The Australian After all, the series is the one with which Boyd established himself as one of the handful of defining Australian painters of the postwar years, and it is one whose originality and evocative power was never surpassed and perhaps not equalled in his ...
The Guardian Recognition for Indigenous Australians is not like the republic. We need a ... The Guardian High profile Australians supportive of positive change have put their hand up to support the concept. Organisations such as Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (Antar), Reconciliation Australia and the National Congress of Australia's First ...
The Stringer In Australia, there is the Aboriginal rights struggle The Stringer In Australia there is no greater rights struggle than the Aboriginal rights struggle. It is a human rights struggle where not only the First Peoples of this continent were violently and murderously dispossessed of their lands but since the advent of ...
Australia Slammed for Human Rights Failings Pro Bono Australia “While Indigenous Australians account for only three per cent of Australia's population, they account for 27 per cent of Australia's prison population. In part because they are disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system, Indigenous... Our human rights rating undermined by refugee treatmentRockhampton Morning Bulletin
Haaretz Aboriginal leader identifies with Jewish suffering on Holocaust Day Haaretz On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Jews from the Auschwitz death camp, the chairman of Australia's first and largest community-controlled Aboriginal health service expressed his people's identification with "the injustice ...