Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
Disclaimer: Media articles are not necessarily the opinion of 'Sovereign Union' and are included for reference and general information purposes only - RSS Google News Feed (blog) Is this free speech or hate speech? (blog) His views on Aboriginal Australia were as shocking as the fact that he's still deemed relevant enough to be invited a reality TV program to begin with. Here's one of his more disgusting comments: “Frankly it (Aboriginal Australia) should have died out ...
ABC Online Remote work-for-the-dole scheme 'devastating Indigenous communities' ABC Online ANU researcher and co-author Dr Kirrily Jordan said financial penalties were being applied unfairly and an example of this could be found in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands in Western Australia. "The rental arrears across the whole lands, across 12 communities ...
ABC Online Remote work-for-the-dole scheme 'devastating Indigenous communities' ABC Online The scheme applies to about 34,000 people, mostly Indigenous, across Australia and was introduced by Mr Scullion in July last year. CDP increased the number of work hours required for welfare payments to 25 per week, for at least 46 weeks a year.
Turnbull government warns Fremantle council to move back its Australia day celebrations The Sydney Morning Herald "I want a reconciled council, and when we focus on issues confronting our Indigenous Australians we should focus on those issues that will make a difference to their lives, like Aboriginal incarceration, health, alcoholism, and employment." Earlier in ...
Turnbull government warns Fremantle council to move back its Australia day celebrations WAtoday "I want a reconciled council, and when we focus on issues confronting our Indigenous Australians we should focus on those issues that will make a difference to their lives, like Aboriginal incarceration, health, alcoholism, and employment." Earlier in ...
ArtsHub (subscription) Terra nullis for Indigenous mural ArtsHub (subscription) The mural was commissioned by the Uniting Church in 2013 and painted by Aboriginal artist Paul Davis and English-born artist Etienne Cohen in tribute to five Aboriginal rights activists, including Eddie Mabo and Charles Perkins. It was situated on the ...
Huffington Post Australia Treat Your Eyes With Australia's Most Mesmerising Indigenous Art Huffington Post Australia Indigenous Australia is the oldest living culture on earth, so you can imagine the art it bears is as sacred as it is significant. Stories from the Dreamtime are at the centre of existence for Aboriginal people, and through art, language, dance and ...
'We're moving backwards': Women of the Year finalist Linda Burney on Aboriginal affairs The Age The state of Aboriginal affairs in Australia and what feels to be a moving backwards towards a much more paternalistic approach. And I'm very engaged in the Recognise movement, which is not just about Aboriginal people, it's about all Australians. I'm ...
Perth Now Aboriginal job targets set for WA Perth Now Child protection minister Andrea Mitchell said the government consulted with WA's 274 remote Aboriginal communities about reforming services and education and economic opportunities were major themes. Regional development minister Terry Redman ...
SBS Indigenous Australia bears the brunt of the HIV epidemic SBS SBS World News Radio: Rates of HIV transmission amongst Indigenous Australians continue to rise, with new figures showing the rate of HIV notification among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is now more than double the non-Indigenous rate.
SBS Indigenous Australia bears the brunt of the HIV epidemic SBS SBS World News Radio: Rates of HIV transmission amongst Indigenous Australians continue to rise, with new figures showing the rate of HIV notification among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is now more than double the non-Indigenous rate.