Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
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Australian Olympic Committee Indigenous Stars Australian Olympic Committee Cathy Freeman was not the first Indigenous athlete to win an Olympic medal. That honour went to an Australian swimmer in 1992. Australia has been represented by 43 Indigenous athletes at the Summer Olympic Games. The Tokyo Games in 1964 was the ...
Reconciliation SA Apology Breakfast Celebrates Nine Years On The Adelaide Review Monday February 13 will mark 9 years since former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised publicly to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia, “for the pain, suffering and hurt” and for the injustices that they have experienced ...
ArtsHub (subscription) Pushing Miranda off Hanging Rock ArtsHub (subscription) 'And so in that impasse, rather than talking to Aboriginal people and demanding their history, I think white Australians should be looking at our own history and talking about our colonial past and thinking quite sincerely about what's happened there ...
National Indigenous Times June Oscar new Social Justice Commissioner National Indigenous Times “I have known Ms Oscar for many years and have admired her passionate advocacy for Indigenous Australians,” Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion said yesterday in announcing the appointment. “Ms Oscar's appointment demonstrates the central role ...
WAtoday Lunch with Shane Howard WAtoday I remember talking to people at the time about the injustice I saw towards Aboriginal Australia and people would glaze over. "The first time I heard Solid Rock on the radio I was driving to the Grampians; it was phasing in and out and it was an ...
BBC News How a child's exhumation has distressed Aboriginal elders BBC News The removal of a child's remains from a cave in South Australia has prompted calls for a coronial inquest, and government efforts to atone for culturally insensitive actions, reports Trevor Marshallsea. Long ago, according to a famous Aboriginal legend ...
BBC News How a child's exhumation has distressed Aboriginal elders BBC News The removal of a child's remains from a cave in South Australia has prompted calls for a coronial inquest, and government efforts to atone for culturally insensitive actions, reports Trevor Marshallsea. Long ago, according to a famous Aboriginal legend ...
Sunraysia Daily National voice for Aboriginal body Sunraysia Daily “As the elected chair of the largest member-based Aboriginal organisation in Australia, I will join the Indigenous Advisory Council with a mandate to speak on issues affecting Aboriginal peoples. For more of this story, purchase your copy of Friday's ...
Federal government name Indigenous activist June Oscar as new Social Justice Commissioner The Transcontinental She was Australian delegate to the United Nations Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues in New York and was recognised as one of the 50 most influential women in the world in 2011, receiving an Order of Australia two years later. Ms Oscar won the ...
The Australian Northern Territory mayor Lothar Siebert forced to give up second job The Australian In a letter dated February 2, sent to Mr Siebert on behalf of the Adjumarllarl Aboriginal Corporation and quoting from The Australian's report, David Narndal wrote: “No need to wait, sir, until you get back for your answer. The Adjumarllarl Aboriginal...