Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
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'This is not a fishing trip gone wrong' – study uncovers planned colonisation National Indigenous Times Science has officially proven what most Australian Aboriginal people have always known — that their ties to country are age-old, stretching back a massive 50,000 years. Now scientists are trying to establish how many early Australians were in the ...
Eternity News His search for justice is taking him 5500km through the Australian outback Eternity News Clinton began his walk to Parliament House to confront Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull about the forced closures of Indigenous communities in Western Australia but his campaign has since expanded to include justice for non-Aboriginal Australians too.
Aboriginal hair shows 50000 years connection to Australia Science Daily Published in the journal Nature, the findings reinforce Aboriginal communities' strong connection to country and represent the first detailed genetic map of Aboriginal Australia prior to the arrival of Europeans. These are the first results from the ...
The Australian DNA research proves long-term Aboriginal connection to country The Australian ... at the University of Adelaide were able to extract mitochondrial DNA from hair samples collected over 50 years from 111 people across three different Aboriginal communities: Cherbourg in Queensland and Point Pearce and Koonibba in South Australia.
Most People Move Around, the Australian Aborigines Stayed Put for 50000 Years Haaretz The forefathers of the aborigines reached Australia around 50,000 years ago, scattered around the continent's coasts for about 1,500 to 2,000 years and then, having settled down wherever they settled down, they didn't budge for the next 50,000 years, ...
National Indigenous Times Costly driver's licences put lives at risk: report National Indigenous Times Researchers at the University of Wollongong and The George Institute for Global Health in New South Wales found that Aboriginal people were 25 percent less likely to have a driver's licence than other Australians. “Low licensing rates have a ...
National Indigenous Times Costly driver's licences put lives at risk: report National Indigenous Times Researchers at the University of Wollongong and The George Institute for Global Health in New South Wales found that Aboriginal people were 25 percent less likely to have a driver's licence than other Australians. “Low licensing rates have a ...
National Indigenous Times Roger Thomas assumes SA Treaty role National Indigenous Times A senior Aboriginal leader with a successful career in both the private and public sectors, Dr Thomas will spend the next three years leading the consultation process between the South Australian government and Aboriginal South Australians to establish ...
National Indigenous Times Tasmania's Michael Mansell wants Aboriginal electorate National Indigenous Times Last year Mr Mansell released a book, Treaty and Statehood, in which he proposed Central Australia could become a seventh, Aboriginal state, taking in land from the Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland. He said an ...
WAtoday WA Judge slams 'handwringers in Canberra' over handling of Aboriginal offenders WAtoday In 1991 Indigenous Australians made up 14 per cent of the nation's prison population. By 2015, this had increased to 27 per cent. Photo: Andrew Meares. "So that's how to make the community safe, that's how to deal with Mr Ward. We can't just lock him ...
WAtoday WA Judge slams 'handwringers in Canberra' over handling of Aboriginal offenders WAtoday Judge McCann said he had come to the conclusion after working in Port Hedland, what was happening to Aboriginal people in a country as rich as Australia was an "international disgrace." "Existing settings have done nothing to protect the community," he ...