Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
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Slow food Terra Madre Chefs' Network Changing The Food System in Australia Slow food Dale Chapman was the first ever Aboriginal Australian delegate at Terra Madre, in 2006. “To see the artisan approach to ancient methods alive and well was overwhelming. When I returned to Australia, I wanted to give back to my community, so I designed ...
Australia's Indigenous People Face 'Deeply Disturbing' Racism, UN Envoy Says Wall Street Journal (subscription) CANBERRA, Australia—The top United Nations envoy on indigenous rights criticized Australia for “deeply disturbing” levels of racism and urged the country to embrace a treaty that would recognize its indigenous people as its first inhabitants, a move ...
UN 'deeply disturbed' by Indigenous detention Eyre Peninsula Tribune The vast majority of Aboriginal people had jobs, attended school and were not involved in the criminal justice system, Mr Scullion said. He acknowledged some Indigenous Australians "need additional support" and said the Coalition was committed to ...
The Mercury Council wants to move Australia Day The Mercury CONSULT the Aboriginal community to consider a better date for Australia Day celebrations. WRITE to the Federal Government to lobby it to change the January 26 date. Hobart Lord Mayor Sue Hickey was one of several aldermen to oppose the move but ...
Indigenous plight by the numbers Aboriginal and indigenous people make up about 3 per cent of Australia's 24 million population. - They are near the bottom across all economic and social indicators. - There have been failures to meet almost every target including reducing the infant ...
Indigenous plight by the numbers The Australian Aboriginal and indigenous people make up about 3 per cent of Australia's 24 million population. - They are near the bottom across all economic and social indicators. - There have been failures to meet almost every target including reducing the infant ...
Indigenous plight by the numbers The Australian Aboriginal and indigenous people make up about 3 per cent of Australia's 24 million population. - They are near the bottom across all economic and social indicators. - There have been failures to meet almost every target including reducing the infant ...
UN 'deeply disturbed' by Indigenous detention Newcastle Star The vast majority of Aboriginal people had jobs, attended school and were not involved in the criminal justice system, Mr Scullion said. He acknowledged some Indigenous Australians "need additional support" and said the Coalition was committed to ...
UN 'deeply disturbed' by Indigenous detention Blue Mountains Gazette The vast majority of Aboriginal people had jobs, attended school and were not involved in the criminal justice system, Mr Scullion said. He acknowledged some Indigenous Australians "need additional support" and said the Coalition was committed to ...