Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
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Ballarat Courier SA Libs want art gallery on hospital site Ballarat Courier "The National Aboriginal Gallery will be of international significance and attract visitors from across Australia and throughout the world," Mr Marshall said on Tuesday. The new gallery would provide a significant cultural and economic boost to the ...
The Guardian Morning mail: voters not troubled by Joyce affair The Guardian Two of Australia's most acclaimed writers, Helen Garner and Kim Scott, took to the stage together at Perth writers' week. Brigid Delaney hears them sharing their thoughts on literature, writing communities, #MeToo and more. “Garner could deliver her ...
Kathimerini The Greek defending the rights of Aboriginal Australians Kathimerini Andrew Jackomos is fighting to improve the living conditions of young members of the Koori tribe, indigenous Australians of New South Wales and Victoria. Still, when the 65-year-old walked around Kastellorizo, the island from which his grandfather ...
The Australian 'Silenced' indigenous abuse victims living in fear The Australian Documents obtained by The Australian under Freedom of Information laws show child neglect was the most widespread issue in the communities visited by the former National Indigenous Intelligence Taskforce established by the Australian Criminal ...
The Australian 'Silenced' indigenous abuse victims living in fear The Australian Documents obtained by The Australian under Freedom of Information laws show child neglect was the most widespread issue in the communities visited by the former National Indigenous Intelligence Taskforce established by the Australian Criminal ...
Wild Australia Tour: safe encounters with the exotic, the native, the savage, the other The Australian We are probably the first international arts exports of this colonised country. From the early 1800s we entertained the elite of Germany, England, North America and most notably in “return seasons” at the Paris world's fair. Our culture, songs and ...
SBS The mobile restaurant popping up in a gorge or over a river in Western Australia SBS If you don't know much about Australia, you may assume our local cuisine is a strange conglomerate of our most famous exports – lamingtons and meat pies, for example. Paul Iskov, head chef and owner of Western Australian pop up restaurant Fervor is ...
SBS The mobile restaurant popping up in a gorge or over a river in Western Australia SBS If you don't know much about Australia, you may assume our local cuisine is a strange conglomerate of our most famous exports – lamingtons and meat pies, for example. Paul Iskov, head chef and owner of Western Australian pop up restaurant Fervor is ...