Latest mainstream news articles relating to First Nations People
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The Guardian Amnesty urges Queensland to raise age of criminal responsibility to 14 The Guardian Queensland locks up more 10-to-13-year-olds than any other state; more than 70% are Indigenous. It means an Indigenous child is 30 times more likely to be sent to prison than any other Queenslander. “A child's chance at a bright future can be lost ...
The Guardian Amnesty urges Queensland to raise age of criminal responsibility to 14 The Guardian Queensland locks up more 10-to-13-year-olds than any other state; more than 70% are Indigenous. It means an Indigenous child is 30 times more likely to be sent to prison than any other Queenslander. “A child's chance at a bright future can be lost ...
The Sydney Morning Herald Turnbull must pursue treaty with Indigenous Australians The Sydney Morning Herald Last Friday on the ABC, Julia Baird broadcast a panel discussion comprising Indigenous Australians from the annual Garma Festival in Northern Australia. The day before Andrew Bolt had regurgitated his standard column about the Barbarians now being ...
New York Times 5 Indigenous Australian Films (and 1 TV series) Everyone Should See New York Times A member of the Maramanindji people from the Northern Territory, she sent us her five top movies, plus her favorite television series — all of which are must-see creations from Australia's Indigenous communities. “This is the tip of the iceberg in ...
ABC News Tasmanian Indigenous artists to show off works at Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair ABC News "To go up there and pin that against Aboriginal artists who have been doing it for generations with their families, and seeing some of the artwork coming out of central Australia, I'm nervous ours won't be up to par." The idea of the Tasmanian stall ...
ABC News Tasmanian Indigenous artists to show off works at Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair ABC News The works of 2,000 Indigenous artists will be on show at the fair, coming from 60 art centres around Australia. Tasmania doesn't have an Aboriginal art centre, so former TMAG curator Tony Brown organised the group of 20 artists through Contemporary Art ...
The Guardian March for makarrata: NSW Aboriginal groups unite to demand a 'new agenda' The Guardian “We want to send a clear message to parliament,” the chairman of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council and the newly appointed chair of the prime minister's Indigenous Advisory Council, Roy Ah See, told Guardian Australia. “Walk with us. Talk with us. Sit ...
The Guardian March for makarrata: NSW Aboriginal groups unite to demand a 'new agenda' The Guardian “We want to send a clear message to parliament,” the chairman of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council and the newly appointed chair of the prime minister's Indigenous Advisory Council, Roy Ah See, told Guardian Australia. “Walk with us. Talk with us. Sit ...
National Indigenous Times NT besties prepare to guard Australia's coastline National Indigenous Times The two best friends from the Northern Territory — Murray is from Darwin and Nilco from Batchelor — are on the adventure of a lifetime after signing up as soldiers-in-training with Norforce, the Australian army's surveillance and reconnaissance unit ...
UNSW Newsroom NSW Health funds scholarships for Indigenous doctors in training UNSW Newsroom Roughly 10% of all Indigenous doctors in Australia have received support from the scholarship program. Several graduates have recently taken up placements at Dubbo Base Hospital. “Each of these graduates is not just doing it for themselves, they are ...
Time Out Things you only know if you're an Indigenous astronomer Time Out “Indigenous Australians were the first people on our continent to look up and take meaning from the night sky, and while a lot of it is spiritual, there is science in it as well. I just released a research paper on the role of planets in Aboriginal ...
Time Out Things you only know if you're an Indigenous astronomer Time Out “Indigenous Australians were the first people on our continent to look up and take meaning from the night sky, and while a lot of it is spiritual, there is science in it as well. I just released a research paper on the role of planets in Aboriginal ...